Dennistoun Waverley FC

denny posted on the 23/02/2013 1:35:49 PM

Hello. Does anyone know any information about Dennistoun Waverley FC -amateur club, think their ground was Cumbernauld Road area??

#1 - joe mc dermott replied on the 24/02/2013 7:10:52 PM

Hi Denny the name of the park was Haghill it was a semi pro team Dennistoun Waverly Juniors played in the central league in the west of scotland , also the entry gate was in Appin road , they also had lots of Juvinile tourmanents there IE under 18s and 21s it was a black ash pitch with some grass ! I played there for about 5yrs with blantyre vics juniors also Dennistoun Juviniles under 18s great days sadly its no longer but the old park is still there I think , appin rd is the best to get in , hope I have helped

#2 - denny replied on the 25/02/2013 9:18:54 PM

Hi Joe - thanks so much for information - great and appreciated. What year were they set up and what year did they disband?Thanks!

#3 - Big Blue replied on the 27/02/2013 6:46:35 PM

Waverley belonged to the ranks of Scottish Junior football. They were formed in 1939 and, sadly, folded about November 1968 due to lack of funds. A few weeks later, the pavilion was destroyed by fire. It was very sad. I enjoyed many an afternoon as a kid at Haghill and probably more evenings in late spring and early summer watching the Waverley's juvenile tournament. It attracted very good crowds to watch teams such as Shettleston Violet, Glencairn Juveniles, Clyde Rangers and Germiston Star. We used to pop out at half-time to buy sweets and drinks in Mr Watt's shop across the road. His daughter, Christine, had been in my class at Thomson Street Primary for a time.

Waverley played in a yellowy/orange shirt. Not many visiting sides looked forward to playing on the black ash! The pavilion was not at pitch level. Players had to ascend a flight of steps to reach the pitch.

#4 - jeanette replied on the 27/02/2013 10:51:30 PM

My Dad played for an amateur football team in his teens/early twenties (he was born in 1925)and I'm wondering if it could be with this club. I have some old photos of him with a team (black and white so I don't know the colours)and one of him holding a cup. I was under the impression that they played somewhere in Carntyne but I could be wrong. Our family has a connection with the Haghill area in Dennistoun too. Was there another team/club in existence at that time (1930's/1940's) that anyone knows of or is there any way I could find out if he played with this one.There's no-one alive in the family who would know.

#5 - Sick of the Beggars replied on the 28/02/2013 9:02:19 AM

Used to be a Carntyne Stadium near the new college there. Maybe he played there?That was a big stadium back in the day for the amateurs.

#6 - Drew McFarlane-Slack replied on the 21/03/2017 11:20:39 PM

I attended a number of DW games in the '50s with my father who worked in the Fruit Market. One of the other staff played for the team, I don't recall his name. I do recall an old boxer used to panhandle outside the ground. He offered young kids a punch on his chin for a sixpence!

#7 - Big Wullie replied on the 23/03/2017 3:53:41 PM

Had a pal Jim Eadie who played for them I think in the mid to late fifties.

#8 - Irene Brown replied on the 30/09/2017 3:17:57 PM

My brother Bobby Russell played for Dennistoun Waverley in his early days and as his 90th birthday will be on 1 January 2018, I would love to be able to buy a copy of the History of Dennistoun Waverley Juniors written by Brian Reilly. Can someone - anyone - help with this please?

#9 - James Mc replied on the 3/10/2017 11:33:41 AM

The original Waverley folded in the 60s. There was an attempt to get a junior Waverley team up and running in the early 80s - I tried out for them, went to a few training sessions, but it sort of drifted away.

Alas this petered out as well.

#10 - William Tracey replied on the 14/11/2017 1:39:46 PM

My dad played for the Waverley in the late '40's before moving to Dundee to play junior for Shameock FC.
My Auntie Jeannie McConnel stayed in Corsock Street, right next to Haghill Park. My dad was always welcome in the old pavilion and he often took me with him when he dropped in, usually before going on to Parkhead to watch the game there.
I remember being very sad when I went to visit my Auntie Jeannie about 1970 and saw that the pavilion was gone and Haghill Park closed down.

#11 - Brian lawrence replied on the 30/01/2018 11:55:55 AM

I used to watch DW in the 50's. I went to Whitehill SS School so there was a few schoolmates with DW sympathies. My favourite player was the big CF Ray Hawson. Good old days at Haghill

#12 - Mal Mackenzie(Canada) replied on the 1/02/2018 4:22:11 AM

I played for Glencairn Juveniles in the early 60s. The manager was wee Jimmy Milligan. We won several cups one year including the Scottish Juvenile Consolation. The Juveniles were a farm team for the Waverley. As mentioned in previous posts, it was an ash park. We generated good crowds. I will attempt to locate a team picture including all the silverware. Great memories

#13 - Michael replied on the 27/02/2018 1:02:33 PM

Irene - did you manage to find the book - The History of Dennistoun Waverley Juniors written by Brian Reilly? My father-in-law Jimmy Buchan would like a copy.

#14 - Joe McIvor replied on the 11/05/2018 12:55:28 AM

I was a regular at Haghill Park as a youngster and remember the opening day of the refurbished dressing rooms around 1947. One of Scotlands favourite sons and reputed to be Britain's highest paid footballer, Billy Steele (I think he was originally from Dundee or Morton,) performed the opening ceremony. However the surface was cinder ash from Blochairn and very dusty on a windy day. The other local team was Dennistoun Juvenile who played on a ground at the bottom of Meadowpark Street side by side with the Dennistoun cricket club. From the far end of the ground you were able to look down on Paton Street with its many businesses such as Beaties Bread complete with horse stables. The Sunlight bleach, clensel and ammonia factory and tram depot.

#15 - Tom L replied on the 17/05/2018 8:47:07 AM

My dad, Campbell Letham, played for Dennistoun Waverley, I guess in the early 1950s (he was born in 1931). I have a framed photo of him with the team (and officials) from that time. The photo also displays three cups and I've often wondered what those trophies were, or whether their possession could pinpoint the year of the photo. Anyone know how to source DW's honours record?

#16 - Ricky connor replied on the 27/09/2018 10:27:18 PM

Use to play for dennistoun Waverley 1968 they had just folded as juniors and played amateur for them for 3 years the team was run by frank Oliver who stayed in Corsock street we use to change in his house

#17 - Jim MacLachlan, Edmonton replied on the 10/11/2018 10:03:17 PM

For the record, Andy Moffat their manager in the late 50's and into the 60's was the only full time manager in Junior football. The original dressings rooms were on the east side of the ground. Great memories training and playing there.

#18 - Josh Wilson replied on the 20/11/2018 5:53:55 PM

I played for Glencairn juveniles is a a Easter tourney and the old Waverley ground , it was always full of scouts as quite a few players would go junior and even senior from this tourney. I think I played alongside you mr McKenzie and remember jimmy Milligan and
Wee Hemmie who ran glencairn juveniles

#19 - Roy Scott replied on the 20/01/2019 12:45:30 PM

My grandfather took me to one of my first ever games which was Dennistoun Waverley v Petershill. It was played the same day as the League Cup Final between Rangers v Morton on 26th October 1963.
If my memory serves me, Petershill won the game 4-3. I don't know which team was at home?
We left at 3-1. I've never left a match early again since. ;-)
Anyone any info please?

#20 - Adam replied on the 10/05/2019 9:05:58 PM

My Uncle - Roderick (Roddy) Matheson - played for Dennistoun Waverley, not sure exactly when but he was born in 1926 so probably just after WW2.
If anyone has a copy of the book by Brian Reilly that they could either sell or loan me it would be greatly appreciated as my Uncle is (obviously) very elderly and not in great health and I think it would make his day to see something to do with the club.

#21 - jeanette replied on the 11/05/2019 12:34:51 AM

Adam, can you tell me the name of the book. My dad was born in 1925 and played for a team in the area around the same time as your uncle. I've never been sure which team but this one seems likely. If you (or your uncle) know any of the players' names I'd be interested. My dad's name was Harry Haggarty. I've a photo of some of the players holding a cup but the only other player I remember was John Ross. Perhaps you could ask your uncle if these names ring any bells. Thank-you.

#22 - Adam replied on the 11/05/2019 11:33:59 AM

Jeanette, see post #8 - History of Dennistoun Waverley Juniors by Brian Reilly.
I'll ask him about your Dad and others.

#23 - jeanette replied on the 11/05/2019 11:04:37 PM

Thanks Adam. I don't recognise the name Bobby Russel but that's no surprise. I look forward to hearing if your uncle recognises my dad's name.

#24 - J.conlon replied on the 12/05/2019 2:30:16 AM

I played for the Glens 1965 onwards are there
any team mates still around.

#25 - David Logan replied on the 11/06/2019 4:47:59 PM

Does anyone remember what Dennistoun Waverley's badge looked like?

#26 - Allan Johnston replied on the 25/06/2019 10:00:30 PM

I learned yesterday that my grandfather Bill Morgan had a connection, possibly managing or trainer with DW. This would be in the 1930's - 1950's. If anyone has any info or connections, please let me know. Many thanks.

#27 - Cam Mc replied on the 24/10/2019 9:32:35 AM

My late grandfather William McIntosh was involved at an admin level with them. Found a wee member book in my late father stuff. Think it had a crest on the front.

#28 - George replied on the 24/01/2020 5:02:30 PM

I remember going to see the Waverley with my dad in the late fifties early sixties.
I was about 9 or 10 year old and we we went to most home games.
The one game that seems to stand out in my memory is a cup tie against Broughty when Denistoun won 7:3
Not so clear is my memory of a right winger of Denistoun named Marlene's or Merlees
Denistoun played in what would say is the Wolverhampton Wanderers colours
Inside the ground was a wee Hut where my dad got me a wee bottle of orange and a packet of crisps
Finally I do remember the retired boxer outside the ground

#29 - Robert Stewart replied on the 17/02/2020 1:27:49 AM

I stayed in Dennistoun and used to go and watch the Waverley and the Secondary Juvenile tournaments nearly every night of the week.Waverley were run by a friend of mines relative either Bobby or Bill Moffat also a guy I new played for them Jack McCartney who later managed Petershill.The Waverley winger was Jim Merilees

#30 - clive Wilson replied on the 3/04/2020 10:43:12 AM

Think my dad Jim Wilson played for DW for a while.
Probably 50/60s ?

#31 - Phil Keane replied on the 7/05/2020 11:15:23 AM

I played for DW in 1972, we were amateur and played at Alexandra Park. manager was Joe Fox.

#32 - Tony replied on the 3/06/2020 12:29:18 PM

Hi, my father in law Duncan Carmichael played for Dennistoun Waverley during the 1950's. Andy Moffat was the manager at the time. If anyone had any photos or other information it would be greatly appreciated. I have heard there is a publication of its history by Brian Reilly. I have not been able to locate this anywhere online.

#33 - David Laing replied on the 20/06/2020 10:05:56 AM

I'm looking to find some information or pictures of my Grandad who recently passed away. I think he played round about the 1950s time.
Thomas McKee was his name

#34 - Mick Connolly replied on the 27/06/2020 8:42:47 PM

Good memories of Denny Waverley . I was the kit boy in the mid sixties and would travel to away games with the team and Andy Moffat would give me half a crown if we won . I also fed the guard dogs during the week when on holiday from school .It could rain all week and the game would still be played on the Saturday as the black ash went soft , I remember the crowds during the week at the juvenile games and the old boxer with his photo round his neck .

#35 - Susan Oliver replied on the 14/07/2020 4:57:56 PM

I remember Ricky Connors playing for denny Waverly they changed in my dad's house wonderfully memories

#36 - Ricky connor replied on the 13/08/2020 9:36:40 PM

Remember mr and mrs Oliver fondly and the song san francisco

#37 - Henderson replied on the 8/10/2020 4:41:11 PM

My father played for DW in the early fifties. He died a few years ago but still had some of the pitch ingrained in his knees when he died.

#38 - Tom Martin replied on the 14/10/2020 7:42:11 PM

In reply to J Conlon. HI Jim otherwise known as 'Crazy Horse'
How's this for a team from the mid sixties !! Jim Conlon, Peter Russell, John Hewitt, Brian Boyle, John McKay, Tommy Richardson, Jim Carrol, Richie Wilson, Peter McKay, Jackie Mason, Eddie Currie !!! That was the team that won the Scottish Cup in Perth !! Indeed in that year the Glens won every tournament they played in as well as the League. Eight tournament's in total I still have pictures of the team in those days Jim if you manage to get this message.

#39 - Bill Low replied on the 4/12/2020 3:54:21 PM

In 1964 I worked part-time in the Auchinairn Tavern. The S&N rep who used to come in was Raymond Hawson. His brother, Sandy Hawson, who played for Aberdeen lived in the area. Raymond was one of the nicest guys you could meet and people did say of him that he was a great loss to Scottish football, as he chose to stay with Dennistoun Waverley rather that turn professional. People reckoned he was a much better player than his brother. Sadly Raymond died of cancer round about 1965

#40 - Arthur McKenna replied on the 23/12/2020 6:41:34 PM

I was as a ball boy for the Waverley in the early sixties brings back a lot of memories I am looking for the book on the Waverley history anybody help me.

#41 - Tony replied on the 30/12/2020 12:30:27 PM

I have a photo of Andy Moffat with my father in law Duncan Carmichael. But I can't seem to upload it. Any help would be appreciated.

#42 - J.CONLON/crazy horse replied on the 14/03/2021 1:37:23 PM

Tom Martin
Would like to get photos
How do I get in touch. Glencairn juv 1966macduff Erskine pa86el

#43 - Andy replied on the 20/05/2021 11:48:28 PM

My grandfather was a friend of Andy Moffat he had a we holiday home at Saltcoats Arthur Street we all went to it for a holiday in the sixties

#44 - C Anderson replied on the 24/12/2021 10:31:12 AM

Would anybody remember my dad, Alex Anderson, played for DW in the 60s, sadly he died in 2018.

#45 - Jerry Brannigan replied on the 4/06/2022 2:11:34 PM

My uncle, Gerry Gallagher played midfield for DW for several years in the 60's, I'm not sure of the dates, but I played a couple of games, probably @68. I'm not sure of the year but they were still junior then. I was only around 17 at the time but I'd been going fairly regularly to watch for several years when I could as I was playing juvenile at that time. The name Andy Moffat is VERY familiar.
I need to try and get a hold of the book, I didn't know it existed.

#46 - Arthur mckenna replied on the 7/04/2023 6:23:31 PM

I am trying to get a copy of the book about Dennistoun waverly juniors I have been trying a long time to no avail if anybody can help

#47 - David Tagg replied on the 10/06/2023 11:11:55 AM

Did Dennistoun Waverlys ever use the black ash pitch in Milnbank street during early 60's

#48 - William Jarvis replied on the 9/07/2024 5:43:11 PM

My Brother (Allan) played with them in the 60's. I used to go along with my Dad to watch them play when i was very little. After much searching, I did manage to source a little booklet on the history of Dennistoun Waverley to give to my brother a few years back, however it was very difficult to track down as I recall. I suspect this is the book that folk are talking about.

#49 - Jim Johnston replied on the 12/10/2024 6:06:31 PM

HAGHILL produced some real quality tanner baw players as they called it then had good teams right through the era's

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