Ians barbers - Cumbernauld Road

anon posted on the 13/05/2014 7:20:54 PM


I posted about this a while back and was glad to get some response, including from Ian.  Was wondering if anyone had an update on when Ian would be opening back up again?

#8 - Ian the Barber replied on the 29/09/2014 11:13:00 PM

Delighted to see so many "old" and new faces. Thank you everyone for your support. Enjoying being back in business! If you haven't popped in yet it will be good to see you!!

#7 - jm01 replied on the 17/07/2014 10:35:24 AM

Great my dad went back yesterday and is delighted

#6 - anon replied on the 16/07/2014 9:37:40 PM

Walked past today and Ian is back open!

#5 - jm01 replied on the 16/07/2014 11:22:01 AM

please confirm you have opened my dad always went to you

#4 - Ian's Barber Cumbernauld Road replied on the 12/07/2014 6:18:21 PM

Pleased to say that I should be re-open on Wednesday, 16 July. Look forward to see all customers, old and new. Ian

#3 - anon replied on the 14/06/2014 10:04:58 AM

Thank for the update Ian.   Hope to see you soon.

#2 - Ian's Barbers replied on the 9/06/2014 12:18:45 AM

Hi Ian here. Not lodging at Parade Barbers anymore. Still doing mobile in the meantime. Hope to reopen soon! Keep you posted. Thanks for your loyalty and patience.

#1 - biker replied on the 13/05/2014 8:08:36 PM

Ian's hoping to return sometime in June.  He's still lodging at Parade Barbers.

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