Bin Men Leaving Close Doors Open
anon posted on the 25/06/2014 5:55:54 PM
Hi - curious cat posted in missing bin thread but thought would be good to have a stand alone one in case it gets lost in the other one.
curious cat makes great point about bin men continually leaving close doors open and despite repeated calls to council its still happening with our close as well - ive spoken to the bin men face to face too but still happening.
DCC any chance you could raise this with them?
i know they have lot of work to geth through but cant take too long to just close the doors behind them ?- we regularly come back to the close doors not just being unlocked but jammed open.
- 6 Replies :
#6 - Mrs K replied on the 20/07/2014 9:47:35 AM
Bin men leave the doors open in the streets aswell. I always have to lock the door afterwards. It is a security issue. I want to attend the meetings with community police in my area but always at work at they are during the day!? I am going to raise this with my HA & council too.
#5 - CuriousCat replied on the 2/07/2014 5:58:17 PM
Would love to but unable to make it unfortunately.
#4 - John replied on the 28/06/2014 10:41:54 AM
Why don't you go along to the meeting Curious Cat and raise the issue while LES are at the Community Council Meeting ?
#3 - CuriousCat replied on the 27/06/2014 2:49:13 PM
I spoke with a depot manager yesterday regarding the fact that this continues to happen despite weekly complaints and he said that if it were to happen again to complain again and disciplinary action would be taken. I await with baited breath to see the outcome of the meeting with LES on Tues 8th. I am blue in the face complaining and having had my door attempted on several occasions (luckily I was in to see them off) I hope that DCC can actually get through to LES how IMPORTANT it is that ANY refuse collectors, who get a (security) door opened for them or any back doors they physically unlock themsleves, actually close/lock the doors behind them. So sick and tired of being on "alert" to do it myself. It HAS to STOP.
#2 - Dennistoun Community Council replied on the 26/06/2014 5:11:38 PM
Hello Jake,
This was raised as an ongoing security concern by Community Police at DCC meeting last month.
The issue was further brought to the attention of LES supervisor at recent meeting with DCC members. The meeting was primarily to establish an effective working relationship between DCC and LES - including information sharing on community concerns and feedback on local service delivery.
LES supervisor is attending DCC's next meeting (7pm on Tuesday 8th July) so we'll get an update then.
#1 - jake replied on the 25/06/2014 11:54:00 PM
I have raised this issue more than once,but still they dont close doors after they leave,they dont even pick up the spillage from the bins when they drag the bins down the stairs from the back close,they leave the front door open,and with the number of houses in the Dennistoun area been burgled,surely common sense should be used.
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