Lost beloved cat

Laura Campbell posted on the 4/07/2014 4:41:12 PM

Lost my little male 8 month house cat yesterday called Marley. Live in 227 onslow drive. If anyone sees him please pick him up and keep him safe and get him back to me. He is a nervous cat but he doesn't bite.
Mob 07837429357

#1 - Stephanie replied on the 4/07/2014 7:20:58 PM

I stay on Onslow drive,what does he look like sorry?

#2 - Swan replied on the 5/07/2014 3:12:23 PM

I'm in the area too, so please let us know what he looks like and I'll keep an eye out for him. If it's any comfort, my house cat went missing a few years ago and we found her a day later a few doors down. Like yours, she is nervous and probably bolted into a close and was too scared to move. Hope you find him soon.

#3 - anon replied on the 5/07/2014 10:07:26 PM

I'm local too, I'll keep an eye out

#4 - David replied on the 6/07/2014 3:13:19 PM

We saw a young tabby with spotted marks and no collar on onslow Dr on Friday night at about midnight by Craigpark. Was very friendly and came and said hello but looked lost. He flowed us to Whitehill then went back. I hope you find him!

#5 - anon replied on the 6/07/2014 11:22:58 PM

the young tabby you saw was probably Curtis from Onslow Dr at the Craigpark end - he specialises in looking lost even when there's a window open for him. He's a slim, young spotty/stripey tabby with no road sense - very friendly and vocal....   what does Marley look like? I'm often around there at night and early morning, so I'll keep a lookout.If he's not back in a few days, put posters up or people won't know he's a lost cat when they meet him

#6 - anon replied on the 7/07/2014 9:33:15 AM

as an owner of 2 beloved cats ( and a dog) i am sorry to hear.

as above said they are likely to return soon and well.

prayers for a safe return.

#7 - denny lady replied on the 7/07/2014 11:53:33 PM

I seen a small young cat early sunday morning it was kinda greyish in colour, and maybe striped im not sure, it looked lost, if you could give a clearer description i will kee p a look out

#8 - anon replied on the 7/07/2014 11:54:07 PM

I hope Marley is ok, I will keep my eyes open.

When my indoor cat got out (after a break in - seriously, take my telly if you have to but letting the cat out to fend for himself scared me much more)I chapped the doors of my neighbours in the close, just to find out if anyone had let him out of the front or back close doors. I wanted to know basically, and well, they'd found him cowering inside their storm door and taken him in. Was so grateful I made a total fool of myself crying :)

It might be an idea to ask the same question, at least then you know what you are dealing with, is he microchipped?

#9 - local replied on the 8/07/2014 1:01:15 PM

you will have to describe the cat.

#10 - Mrs Doyle replied on the 10/07/2014 8:12:44 PM

If you check the Facebook page of the CPL Glasgow there is a pic of a lovely silver tabby that's been found at Ballindalloch Drive, I'm not sure if this is your cat?

#11 - anon replied on the 10/07/2014 10:56:59 PM

The silver tabby that was found in Ballindalloch Drive might be a bit older than 8months though from the picture. Can you let us know if your cat is still missing and if he is, what he looks like...

#12 - anon replied on the 11/07/2014 1:42:21 AM

I am the owner of silver tabby in Ballindalloch Drive. He is well looked after but is outdoor cat. I will phone CPL tomorrow.

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