Seagulls - what is going on?

Anne posted on the 7/07/2014 11:43:21 PM

Last few weeks I have noticed Dennistoun is overrun with seagulls. Never known anything like it. They seem particularly activity later on at night and very early in morning. Any ideas if there is anything can be done to get rid of them? They really are a pain.

#1 - anon _l replied on the 8/07/2014 9:52:15 AM

I'd say it's no different to any year. I rarely notice a time when there's none. Doubt theres anything you can do either.

#2 - The Mentalist replied on the 8/07/2014 1:02:03 PM

If humans stopped littering and leaving take away food out, they gulls would not be here.   Don't blame the birds, blame the litter louts.

#3 - craig replied on the 8/07/2014 1:27:03 PM

last year as just as bad. they are killing pigeons too, i often see dead birds outside my flat.

They can be removed by doubt the council would do anything about it

#4 - Malarki replied on the 9/07/2014 12:59:55 AM

I think Cantona summed it up best -
'When the seagulls follow the trawler, it's because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea.'

#5 - GetOverIt replied on the 9/07/2014 2:44:05 PM

We should build a big glass dome over dennistoun and keep out all of the wildlife.

I hope the urban fox relocation project is still going? Has that person got their works' van ready.

#6 - Kelly replied on the 9/07/2014 10:48:04 PM

Looks like theyr nesting on all the roofs, can see baby pigeons on every flat across from us.

#7 - Concerned T replied on the 10/07/2014 8:35:31 PM

Someone below me has a bird feeder in his garden and the Seagulls dive into it. I've had one in my home because of it. Just flew into my house through an open window. I half killed it getting it out, but it had to be done. It was knocking everything over. It was insanely scary. Blood everywhere. They would literally break through your window if you were standing behind it with a bit of bread. Does my nut in seeing people feed these vicious things.

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