anon_l posted on the 21/07/2014 10:06:15 PM
Does anyone fancy a bet on how long this helicopter is planning on hover Dennistoun.
- 22 Replies :
#1 - Paul replied on the 21/07/2014 11:00:54 PM
roughly two weeks I reckon.
#2 - M replied on the 21/07/2014 11:01:19 PM
I'll take 12 days, who's holding the book?
#3 - Haze replied on the 21/07/2014 11:01:53 PM
It's still going, so low as well! Hope it's not a sign of the weeks to come, very annoying!
#4 - Ami replied on the 21/07/2014 11:02:26 PM
It's driving me nuts, its been here for hours!
#5 - gg replied on the 21/07/2014 11:14:42 PM
will probably be until the games finish.
#6 - John replied on the 22/07/2014 12:07:23 AM
Starting from tonight there will be two helicopters for security hovering over the area until the games are finished. Tonight was the dress rehearsal of the opening ceremony on Wednesday at Parkhead.
#7 - anon _l replied on the 22/07/2014 2:26:00 PM
Well that was fun....not. I'm all for security but that just got ridiculous! So tired this morning. At times it felt like it was just above my flat. It probably was!!!
#8 - The Mentalist replied on the 22/07/2014 2:26:22 PM
Anyone attacking the East End would leave it in a better state than they found it.
#9 - Doll replied on the 22/07/2014 2:26:59 PM
Supremely irritating! hours and hours of helicopter droning when its too warm to close the windows to block out the sound - then fireworks to top it all off!When there is a concert on GCC are quick enough to shut it down by curfew for fear of disturbing people but when its the Games it seems all rules go out the window!
#10 - anon_l replied on the 22/07/2014 2:46:33 PM
Doll and The Mentalist, EXACTLY!
I'm sure there is going to be plenty of complaints about this. Really unhappy if this is going to be every night.
#11 - Games Enthusiast replied on the 28/07/2014 1:55:12 PM
Guys, Just think of what Glasgow has gained from hosting the games for example new and improved sporting facilities. Â It's only for a couple of weeks, can't you just grin and bare it! :-)
#12 - The Mentalist replied on the 28/07/2014 8:29:58 PM
Thanks Games Enthusiast, I'll grin and bear it from the bus stop as I wait for buses that never turn up as they ferry tourists all over the place, or will grin as when the games are over, services will be cut to the bone to pay for this. Â Aye, very good.
#13 - anon_lt replied on the 28/07/2014 8:30:46 PM
They've gained some grumpy residents. Of course this is all tongue in cheek!
#14 - biker replied on the 28/07/2014 8:31:28 PM
I'm on the Parade and have yet to see or hear
 any of these phantom helicopters !!  Are you people on something???
#15 - anon_l replied on the 28/07/2014 11:25:07 PM
That's a bit offensive Biker. I've been away since Thursday but on Monday and Wednesday there was a helicopter out for hours. Not sure its going to out for the 2 weeks mentioned in this post though.
#16 - Peter B replied on the 3/08/2014 9:45:58 PM
Games Enthusiast what are you talking about the fact that they spend £575m at a time when people are going to food banks is disgrace you won't be happy when front line services are cut to pay for this joke remember there's no such thing as a free lunch.
#17 - Dennistonian replied on the 4/08/2014 1:08:53 PM
Why can't we all just embrace the games? Â They are great for Glasgow, the atmosphere in the city was fantastic and there was so much stuff on for kids over the summer hols AND it was free. Â What I would hate to see is it all goes back to normal. The area is looking better than it ever did and if it wasn't for the games Dalmarnock would have stayed the same!!!!
#18 - anon_l replied on the 4/08/2014 2:33:23 PM
I hear you Dennistoun. However it would have been nice if they made these changes for the residents and not just the tourists visiting for a week and a half.
#19 - Mort replied on the 4/08/2014 4:09:33 PM
Well done Glasgow. What a great 2 weeks it has been! The helicopters weren't even that annoying.
#20 - Dennistonian replied on the 5/08/2014 12:59:57 AM
Hey Anon - I know what you mean it is a shame that they couldn't have made these changes for the residents but were happy to do so for the tourists arriving. Â It's always been the same. Â Remember the Garden Festival? Â Was a great place to go at the weekend and then the Council let it go to ruin. Â As far as I'm concerned the Council never get it right. Â Spend too much money changing things then changing them back when they don't like it!
#21 - Concerned replied on the 6/08/2014 10:31:55 AM
Helicopter was flying really low again last night.
#22 - anon_l replied on the 6/08/2014 10:36:23 AM
I thought i heard it. Wonder why it was out again. Cant imagine it was because of the Commonwealth Games - maybe they were just back out looking for the criminals! ;)
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