Aaronrenzo posted on the 22/07/2014 2:20:51 PM
Just moved to Dennistoun and every morning without fail I'm woken up by squawking from what sounds like 100 seagulls kicking about.
Why is there so many round here?
- 2 Replies :
#1 - Joey T replied on the 22/07/2014 10:10:29 PM
People keep on feeding them and people also keep dropping food. I always close the windows around 5am to drown out the insane noise. I'm noticing that they are getting more vicious now and it always occurs around 7pm. So watch out.
#2 - Malarki replied on the 22/07/2014 10:11:38 PM
Welcome to Dennistoun. It's traditional - same birds nest on the same roofs every year ... and don't try to go near their chicks, even if they've fallen off the roof and are wondering round the drives, the parents will dive bomb you and have your eyes if you're not careful.
But they're not here all year - they'll go once the chicks are big enough. Then you've just got the magpies and jackdaws to deal with.
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