
Kate posted on the 24/07/2014 12:11:59 PM

Does anybody know if there's a Sunday train service during the Games?

#25 - Michael replied on the 17/08/2014 11:26:29 AM

Thanks for sharing the info - Would be great to get some time scales! So frustrating not being able to use the local train service on Sundays

#24 - John replied on the 13/08/2014 6:08:05 PM

â–¼ Hide quoted text

Thanks for your prompt feedback – in short the end result is that we are setting out to achieve a Sunday Service on the route  between Glasgow Queen Street Low Level and Springburn calling at all stations on the route – this will deliver a Sunday Service on the route , similar to what was provided on the pre Xmas Sunday Shopping services , in years gone by.

A wee bit more background on Sundays:-

·         From the May 2014 Timetable - Cumbernauld – Glasgow Queen Street High Level services now operate as Electric services to and from Glasgow Queen Street Low Level , they do not call at Barnhill – Alexandra Parade and Duke Street.

·         Looking at adding in the calls at Barnhill – Alexandra Parade and Duke Street on the Cumbernauld service , would mean a timetable journey time increase for passengers East of Springburn , which we are keen to minimise – and also that the Cumbernauld service will revert to its former route once the full electrification to Glasgow Queen Street High Level is complete under the (EGIP Project) Edinburgh-Glasgow- Improvement-Project.

·         Our Timetable structure therefore  is to continue to have the Cumbernauld service on the route on Sundays not calling at Duke Street – Alexandra Parade and Barnhill -  bring in another service dedicated to Springburn and all stations on the route – and in the future when the Cumbernauld service goes back to Glasgow Queen Street High Level – the Springburn service will remain serving the local passengers at Duke Street – Alexandra and Barnhill , and maintaining their connectivity on Sunday with other parts of the rail Network.

I hope this helps

Best Regards


Alastair Matheson

#23 - John replied on the 13/08/2014 6:02:58 PM

I thought I posted a post earlier explaining what is happening  it couldn't have took, it was a new e-mail I received today explaining exactly what you just said anon and a decision to run just to Springburn on a Sunday stopping at all stations. I will try posting it again.

#22 - anon replied on the 13/08/2014 5:22:07 PM

The Cumbernauld train is CURRENTLY passing through those stations on a Sunday, without stopping. When Queen street upper is fully electrified, it will no longer follow this route, and so the question being asked is, do we make the previous springburn route permenant on a Sunday when the cumbernauld route reverts to Q Street upper, yes?

I would certainly use it.

#21 - Meester Anderson replied on the 13/08/2014 11:06:05 AM

I'm sure I've seen trains go through Alexandra Parade recently without stopping. If you look at trains going from Bellgrove to Springburn on a Sunday, they seem to operate every hour and do (without stopping at Duke Street, Alexandra Parade or Barnhill):


I don't know how a train would get from Bellgrove to Springburn without going through those stations.

#20 - John replied on the 12/08/2014 11:41:15 PM

Meester Anderson,

There is no Sunday service through Alexandra Parade / Duke St that is what we have asked Transport Scotland and Scotrail to change. There should be a Sunday service. It's not too late for you to e-mail as they are having a second meeting on 25th Aug.

#19 - anon_l replied on the 12/08/2014 8:19:24 PM

Concerned, what do you mean? Your worth the money bit doesn't make any sense.

#18 - Meester Anderson replied on the 12/08/2014 3:40:18 PM

Alastair: Thanks for your email.

If I'm going to be honest, I'm not sure what operational costs are involved if there is a schedule that goes through Alexandra Parade/Duke Street on a Sunday already?

Wouldn't the cost just be the stopping of a train and restarting it at each station?

I would have emailed to add support to this but I've been on me hols.

#17 - Mort replied on the 12/08/2014 3:36:22 PM


Care to elaborate on that?

#16 - Concerned replied on the 11/08/2014 8:22:26 PM

Queen Street to Cumbernauld must be the most depressing train route in Glasgow. It's almost worth the money.

#15 - John replied on the 11/08/2014 6:52:58 PM

Transport Scotland met with ScotRail on Friday 8 August 2014 regarding December 2014 timetable changes , I promised you an update in regard to the Sunday service on the Springburn route:-

We are all near agreement on the structure of the timetable , which has taken a bit of time , however this was necessary to ensure that what we can deliver now will be able to be sustained once the Sunday Cumbernauld service revert’ s to Glasgow Queen St High Level , when full electrification to the High Level is complete.

We now need to be sure that the operational costs can be delivered on a cost neutral arrangement , similar to what was provided on the Anniesland Route and ScotRail will report back to Transport Scotland on this issue week commencing 25 August 2014.

One or two members of the Public have emailed stating their support for the Sunday service and these have been noted , I will keep you advised of further developments.

Best Regards

Alastair Matheson

#14 - rasp replied on the 9/08/2014 11:49:26 AM

The other issue I have with the new time table is that the trains leaving Queen Street now change their time without any decernable pattern. Where they used to leave at 02 and 32 they now jump about all over the place and leave at 02 then 04 then 02 then 06 then 02 then back to 06 etc throughout the day time and it is impossible to remember. Also the train more than often still arrives at it's old time and sits in Queen Street and could easily have left at 02! It all smacks of a made by committee timetable

#13 - John replied on the 27/07/2014 12:40:17 PM

Thanks anon all help to put pressure on is appreciated .

#12 - anon _l replied on the 26/07/2014 11:57:11 PM

I'll be dropping them an email myself. I work Sundays and start pretty early. I don't really like walking to Bellgrove at that time in the morning and would much prefer duke street. Since it's being going to Cumbernauld the trains are much busier so I reckon there would be a need for it on Sundays.

#11 - John replied on the 26/07/2014 9:01:51 PM

Thanks Laura and Mort for sending your e-mails, get your family and friends to send them too, the more the merrier.

#10 - John replied on the 26/07/2014 9:01:22 PM

//The train now coming from Cumbernauld is busy at all times of the day now and people work on a Sunday as well as wanting to go into town on a Sunday without having to sit on buses that take 30 min. The train only takes 5 min.// the line has been going out to four stations by Springburn for the last two months.

#9 - Joey T replied on the 26/07/2014 8:26:35 AM

Bellgrove to Springburn would be absolutely empty on a Sunday. Only thing that is probably keeping that line open is the North Glasgow College being right next door to Springburn Station.

#8 - Mort replied on the 25/07/2014 1:15:21 PM

I've sent my email.

It has always baffled me why there is no Sunday service. As a frequent user of the Alexandra Parade stop I never look forward to getting off the train at Bellgrove and making the journey up to the Parade on a Sunday.

#7 - Laura replied on the 25/07/2014 11:13:52 AM

Just to let everyone know the correct email address is:

#6 - Joey T replied on the 25/07/2014 11:12:29 AM

Even during the games, the Bellgrove to Cumbernauld route is absolutely empty. Scarily so. Bit different other way though.

#5 - Laura replied on the 24/07/2014 9:44:41 PM

Hi John

Thanks for the update - I will be sending an email to Transport Scotland to encourage them.

#4 - John replied on the 24/07/2014 7:39:52 PM

Kate there has never been a Sunday service on the Springburn line. Now that it has been extended to Cumbernauld I have taken this issue up with Transport Scotland and they are having a meeting about it on 8th August. If anyone would like to support this issue please send an e-mail saying so to Alastair Matheson..... at   the more people that say we need a Sunday service the more likely they are to provide it

#3 - Trekky replied on the 24/07/2014 1:44:21 PM

The Traveline Scotland plan your journey webpage has been updated to include revised timetables and CG shuttle buses.

#2 - Liz replied on the 24/07/2014 12:47:14 PM

I don't know the timetables but extra trains have been put on for the duration of the commonwealth. I don't think it'll be a Sunday service. Enjoy your event!

#1 - Doll replied on the 24/07/2014 12:19:29 PM

Not from Duke Street Station

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