Getting to Bellgrove if Duke Street Closed

Train User posted on the 29/07/2014 2:07:39 PM

Does anyone know if Duke Street is closed on Thursday, 31st July for the Cycle Trials or something like that.  I saw a message on a bus stop about the bus not stoppin/operating that day.  What i'd like to know is that will I be able to cross over to get my train at Bellgrove?  A friend of mine has received a flier about road closures but I haven't and I live on Whitehill Street.  They live on Armadale Street.

#1 - The Mentalist replied on the 29/07/2014 6:23:45 PM

There should be crossing points but not sure where they are.   The Glasgow website show these.

#2 - anon _l replied on the 29/07/2014 6:24:39 PM

I've been wondering the same. I think we should be ok, if you cut along the road Roberstons plumbers is on I think that's least I'm hoping it is!!

#3 - Dennistoun Community Council replied on the 29/07/2014 10:51:25 PM

You should be absolutely fine.

Anyone on foot or bike will likely experience next to no disruption. Trains will be busier than usual, but not prohibitively so.

Between 10am and 4pm the Cycling Time Trial goes from Glasgow Green, along Gallowgate, up Millerston Street and then Cumbernauld Road, past Alexandra Park, then up towards Riddrie, over the M8, and beyond. At that point it becomes a loop circuit, before returning along the same route back through Dennistoun and back to the Green. Travel ALONG that route will not be possible.

There will be no access ACROSS the route for vehicles (cars and bus services), with substantial diversions in place.

Duke Street and Alexandra Parade/Edinburgh Road will be local vehicle access only around the Drives and Haghill. They will will be a dead end to traffic travelling east or west towards the Parade or Duke St station, so in terms of vehicles, Duke Street and the Parade/Edinburgh Road will probably be quieter than you've ever seen them. Ideal for making your way to and from the Time Trial as a spectator. is your main source of info and has all the details. See the 'Information for residents' section for a detailed map of the route. has a list of other useful travel resources. is a link to an easy quick reference map of the local route and the closures and diversions that will be in place.

#4 - anon_l replied on the 30/07/2014 10:30:56 AM

So D.C.C I'm on one of the main roads (Millerston Street) I leave at 7am so can I walk up this road to Duke Street train station?

I'll be honest and say I did look at the website and thought it clear as mud.

#5 - Dennistoun Community Council replied on the 30/07/2014 12:11:29 PM

Put simply, anyone on foot will be able to get anywhere.

You can expect the cycle route to be on the road, with a spectator viewing area lining the route.

If you're on Millerston Street, that presumably means you'll be coming out of the door between the tattoo parlour and the car wash. You'll be fine regardless of the time of day. And you won't be crossing the route, so there'll be no diversion. You may find that Duke Street has been closed to through traffic and is dead as a dodo in terms of vehicles.

#6 - anon_l replied on the 30/07/2014 5:09:35 PM

D.C.C i'm a bit further down, past the highrise flats. So i'd need to cross over Millerston Street to get to Duke Street train station.

#7 - gg replied on the 31/07/2014 2:18:55 AM

i am also confused. can i walk from aitken street along duke street to millerston street then walk down to get to tesco?

#8 - anon _l replied on the 31/07/2014 9:52:45 AM

I'm looking out onto Millerston Street and can't see any openings in order to cross over the road.

#9 - anon_l replied on the 31/07/2014 9:54:30 AM

Well i popped out earlier this morning and was advised I could walk down either side of Millerston Street but couldnt physically cross the road. I walked along Slatefield Street onto Comleybank Street and that was fine, no diversions although i gave myself extra time incase the trains were very busy.

#10 - Dennistoun Community Council replied on the 1/08/2014 9:11:32 AM

Whoever advised that you couldn't physically cross the road was mistaken. There was a crossing point at the Duke St station crossroads (Duke St/Millerston St/Cumbernauld Rd), that was letting people through without delay and others not too far along the route. Which should have meant that, as noted above, everyone on foot could get where they need to without any real inconvenience.

Lots of volunteers, security staff and police out to assist. The whole thing seemed to go very smoothly, so well done to all who played their part on bringing this unique event to and through Dennistoun.

Hope everyone who went out to cheer the athletes on enjoyed the event. It was a great showing from Katie Archibald in fifth, with a great career ahead of her. Lucy Coldwell and Anna Turvey followed not too far behind with top ten finishes. David Millar not quite able to put together a defence of his title, but 8th place in his last Games.

There's another chance to cheer on the cyclists on Sunday in the Road Race route, which takes place over series of laps on a loop between High Street and Byres Road via the city centre and the west end (rather than the single lap of the course that riders did on the Time Trial course that came through Dennistoun).

#11 - ANON_L replied on the 1/08/2014 12:48:06 PM

This was early in the morning and right outside my flat, so perhaps the guy i talked to didnt know yet. I didnt want to chance walking up further incase i had to turn back to get to Bellgrove. Looks like it was a great day and I'm looking forward to seeing some of it this Sunday.

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