Mobile Police Unit
CuriousCat posted on the 11/08/2014 6:53:31 PM
Any one know why there is a mobile police unit on corner of Onslow Drive and Armadale Street please?
- 8 Replies :
#8 - CuriousCat replied on the 14/08/2014 10:57:14 AM
You also need to keep an eye on the refuse collectors as they leave doors open all the time!
#7 - John replied on the 13/08/2014 6:10:41 PM
People need to keep reporting incidents to the police as they work on a basis where officers are sent to areas according to the amount of reported incidents i.e. the more reports that are made = the number of hours man power in that area.
#6 - anon_l replied on the 13/08/2014 5:20:05 PM
I had to report a group of 4, 8-10 year old (approx) because they kicked my close door in, smashing it and meaning the door doesn't swing shut. My factors wanted a crime report so I wouldn't be charged for the repairs. What chance have we got when 8 year olds are breaking in.
#5 - anon replied on the 13/08/2014 2:53:05 PM
and still our factors wont fix our close door lock...
#4 - John replied on the 13/08/2014 2:52:28 PM
It's a big police van with blacked out windows.
Yes Curiouscat we hope it makes a difference too because the number of break ins in this area is high.
I just wish people would make sure they don't leave their front close doors and gates on the latch or open as they are just inviting the criminals in.
#3 - CuriousCat replied on the 13/08/2014 11:08:59 AM
Thanks John. I hope it's making a difference!
#2 - anon _l replied on the 13/08/2014 11:08:21 AM
Can I ask a thick question. What does the mobile unit look like. Only I saw a big police van with checks on the side and 2 fire engines along from mine at the weekend.
#1 - John replied on the 12/08/2014 11:42:32 PM
The mobile police unit is in Dennistoun due to the large number of house breakings in the area.
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