Underfloor Insulation

Dennistounman posted on the 13/08/2014 2:49:59 PM


Can anyone recommend anyone that does underfloor insulation? Can't seem to find much online and it's not something that standard insulation installers do.

Many thanks!

#1 - Malarki replied on the 14/08/2014 12:18:44 AM

I did it myself. Got some of the rolls of insulation and rolls of webbing from B&Q. Took up the floorboards. Hung straps of the webbing between the joists every half a metre, rolled the insulation foil side up between the joists, cutting it as necessary and then put the boards back. Has made a great difference (ground floor flat). Sort of job a handy person would do rather than an insulation specialist.

#2 - Dennistounman replied on the 14/08/2014 2:48:23 PM

You can access under the floors via a hatch in the hall which would make things easier.

Think I'll go down the handyman route.

Many thanks for your reply.

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