Squirrel Attack

Jumbosteph posted on the 18/08/2014 2:27:46 PM

Has anyone been having the same problem as myself with these pests, I have a cat Eddie who has been getting harrassed and bullied by a squirrel in my garden.
It actually chased wee Eddie through the cat flap! The house was in a uproar.

Its the same one as it has a very bad limp!

What can i do about this?

#1 - Concerned replied on the 18/08/2014 9:19:45 PM

Can't help with that unfortunately, but watch out for Foxes this time of year, especially around 6am. Literally will try to grab your leg.

#2 - casper replied on the 20/08/2014 3:27:18 PM

try feeding it  I suppose it could be hungry and your cat might be attacking her babies

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