Orange walk
Liz posted on the 19/08/2014 5:03:02 AM
Can anyone tell me why there were 2 orange walks on Duke St at the weekend and one last Saturday? I am confused as I thought this finished around the 12th of July. Does this happen all year now?
- 5 Replies :
#1 - Concerned replied on the 19/08/2014 11:08:10 AM
Friday's one was a Catholic one (Hibs walk), Saturday's one was an Orange Walk. As far as I'm aware, these are the last ones.
#2 - anon replied on the 19/08/2014 11:09:02 AM
Pretty much Liz
#3 - anon_l replied on the 19/08/2014 11:09:47 AM
For as long as I've lived in Dennistoun there's been no rhyme or reason as to when they have walks. I've seen them out in December before!
#4 - Â Dennistoun Community Council replied on the 19/08/2014 6:34:33 PM
Dennistoun Community Council now receives notification of parades and processions taking place locally.
However, you can view future Public Processions using the following link on Glasgow City Council's website:
This includes details of routes and times.
The next local procession is listed for Saturday 30th August and departs at 9.35am from Gateside St, proceeding via Duke St and Bellgrove St to Bridgeton.
#5 - Liz replied on the 19/08/2014 9:35:45 PM
Thanks very much, I usually end up stuck behind them. I can now check in advance and avoid them altogether.
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