Wishart street

anon posted on the 21/08/2014 11:42:18 PM

Wits the script with this pathetic uncut area of grass at the traffic lights between Wishart street and Alexandra parade?

What a mess!

#1 - local replied on the 22/08/2014 10:04:47 AM

this area is privately owned.The council should cut the grass and bill the owner,or it will just get worse.

#2 - The Mentalist replied on the 22/08/2014 10:05:37 AM

That bit of land was for sale at one point.   Not sure what's going on with it.

#3 - Joey Joe Joe replied on the 23/08/2014 8:51:00 AM

Is that the bit where the football pitch is with the broken goalposts? That does look a state. Full of syringes too.

#4 - anon replied on the 24/08/2014 11:14:01 PM

The bit between Wishart Street and Alexandra Parade, at the junction near the hospital is likely to be private land. Probably the collective responsibility of the Firpark Court/Close flats, via their factor.

The football pitch on the triangular site between Firpark Street and the back of the Care Home on Hanson Street is a different patch. Not sure who the owner would be for that.

The council are unlikely to assume any responsibility for private land unless is infringing on passage along a footway or poses a specific safety hazard etc. Needles/syringes would fit that category and issues of that nature should be reported to the council on 0141 287 9700.

#5 - Stuarty replied on the 28/08/2014 8:44:34 PM

The section between Wishart St and Alexandra Parade is still owned by Bellway (not under our factor agreement), and they were looking to sell this at one point.

I live in the flats and find this frustrating, as it is not under the factoring upkeep.

#6 - anon replied on the 9/09/2014 10:16:07 PM

Surely the council can do something with Bellway about this jungle! e.g Heavily fine them!

#7 - Abc123 replied on the 10/09/2014 7:19:21 PM

Planning application 14/01785/DC lodged on 1/09/14 for flats on this site.

#8 - The Mentalist replied on the 11/09/2014 10:39:50 AM

I also see an application for the last off Lloyd Street next to the petrol station for flats.   Just what we need, another block of flats.

#9 - John replied on the 11/09/2014 6:55:20 PM

More flats or houses are need in Dennistoun so as there are too many spaces lying wasting away, then flats are the things to build on them.A few places spring to mind, Old Haghill Primary School, Old Golfhill Primary School, Old Parade Cinema/pub. All waste ground that could be put to good use.
People need houses to live in.... we should build them.

#10 - The Mentalist replied on the 12/09/2014 10:33:41 AM

If flats are to be built, I hope it will be single person accommodation which is sorely needed throughout the whole of this city.

#11 - Anon replied on the 12/09/2014 2:42:43 PM

The flats that are proposed for Lloyd Street will replace the garage at the top of Craigpark. It will also remove a lot of the trees in that area which I think is a big shame. I live in this area and think the proposed plans are not great as access will be needed from Lloyd Street and this is a lovely quiet street that will then turn into a building site for years to be then ruined by the new flats being rented out to all the wrong sorts by the private landlords who will snap them up. This area mainly houses elderly people and it would be a shame to see it go downhill.

There are other areas in Dennistoun that would benefit from new flats. The old Golfhill school and surrounding spare ground would be a much better place for flats and it would regenerate the area.

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