Need a Flat
Stephanie posted on the 1/09/2014 1:44:17 PM
I've just arrived in the Glasgow from the US and I need a flat pretty quickly but I'm having issues finding something through the letting agencies. By the time I call someone else has already taken the property. My biggest obstacle besides not being fast enough is that I've got two kitties that have made the journey with me. I didn't seem to be having this much trouble finding places that considered pets before my arrival, but that seems to have changed. I was hoping someone on here might be able to point me in the right direction. Does anyone know of an available flat or does anyone happen to be a landlord with a place in the Dennistoun area?
Thanks all for your help in advance.
- 3 Replies :
#1 - Doll replied on the 2/09/2014 2:45:08 PM
Try Edzell Property Management, they have flats available regularly
#2 - Dennistonian replied on the 2/09/2014 4:06:34 PM
Whitehill Court is really quite and there's a centre piece of grass in the cul-de-sac that folk sit out on during the summer.
#3 - steve campbell replied on the 4/09/2014 11:17:31 AM
i have a two bed on Armadale st, it is a ground floor and has both gas central heating and double glazing , fully furnished . Only £475 per calander month . if you wish a viewing please contact me on 0141-552-4499. goodluck steve
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