Dennistoun Community Council Election 2014

Dennistoun Community Council posted on the 2/09/2014 4:07:59 PM

Community councils across Glasgow are required to hold elections every 4 years. These take place on a phased basis and Dennistoun is one of 16 community councils holding an election in 2014.

Dennistoun Community Council's election date is Tuesday 14th October and there are 17 vacancies. All current members are required to stand down - although members may decide to stand for re-election for a further 4 years.

Community Councillors have a role to bridge the gap between communities and public services and to highlight the opinions, needs and preferences of the communities they represent. More info about DCC

All persons aged over 16 years and resident in the community council area can vote and/or stand for election.

Nomination forms are available on Glasgow Community Council website, at Dennistoun Library, Reidvale Neighbourhood Centre, Milnbank Housing Association and the Co-operative Store on Alexandra Parade.

Nominations must be submitted to Glasgow City Council by 12noon on Friday 19th September 2014.

Should 17 or less nominations be received by the closing date, the uncontested election will take place on 14th October 2014 and will begin at 7.00pm at the Gingerbread Hall, 128 Armadale Street.

If more than 17 nominations are received by the closing date then a secret ballot will take place on 14th October 2014 at the Gingerbread Hall, 128 Armadale Street, commencing at 5.30pm and finishing at 8.30pm.

DCC next meets on Tuesday 9th September (7.00pm, Gingerbread Hall). Meetings are open to the public and all are welcome.


DCC Chairperson

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