
Anon posted on the 7/09/2014 2:59:05 PM

Anyone know how to work out who owns a flat in your close? We have an absentee lardlord who keeps letting out one flat to noisy students and want to contact them.

#1 - Nat replied on the 7/09/2014 7:15:02 PM

If your close has a factor they may be able to provide the name of the Landlord.

#2 - Malarki replied on the 7/09/2014 7:15:47 PM

Any proper landlord should be registered here: If they're not they are committing an offence and could receive a fine. You can report an unregistered landlord to the council:
You can also report problems with noisey neighbours to Community Safety: - they helps us deal with some problems with neighbours earlier this year.

#3 - Stuart replied on the 7/09/2014 9:19:57 PM

If they are registered as a landlord (which they are legally required to be) you can do a search on the landlord registration scotland website. If they are not registered (many still aren't) you can report them via the private landlord registration unit within Glasgow City Council.

You could also do a search via the Registers of Scotland website. However there is a fee for this service, usually about £10-£15, but it will give you the current legal owner.

You can also report noise / antisocial behaviour to Glasgow Community and Safety Services which is an arms length organisation of the council. They can send people out to measure ongoing noise problems, and can also take statutory action e.g. Issuing fines and seizing stereo equipment, as well as more commonly issuing warning letters etc.

The factor can also pass on a message to the owner, although generally speaking the factor cannot pass the contact Information to you. They may however pass on a letter, or ask the person if they would contact you.

#4 - Anon replied on the 9/09/2014 3:36:32 PM

Thanks guys

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