Dennistoun Community Council elections

Dennistoun Community Council posted on the 11/09/2014 6:52:27 PM

All members of Dennistoun Community Council will be standing down at the A.G.M. on Tuesday October 14th. If all current members stand for re-election it will still leave four places to be filled for the next four years. The Community Council would ideally be all inclusive, but currently lacks representation from the Haghill and Wellpark areas. If you'd like to join the Community Council you have to be over 16, live within the boundaries of the Community Council area and complete a nomination form with a proposer and a seconder who also live within the area. These can be downloaded and must be returned by noon on Friday September 19th to a freepost address. If there are more applicants than places an election will occur at 5.30pm on October 14th, but the meeting will start at 7pm if 17 or less nominations are received.

#4 - Dennistoun Community Council replied on the 16/09/2014 1:34:45 PM

DCC meets on the second Tuesday of every month. We currently have a membership of 17 so require 6 or more members for meeting to be quorate.

Although attendance and input from all members would be welcomed at every meeting it's recognised that this is very unlikely. The only 'formal' condition attached to attendance is that members should not miss three consecutive meetings without noting apologies. Other than that, it's a case of all inputs and contributions are welcome as and when members can make it.

In recent years DCC has established working groups to progress work such as DCC Action Plan, Big Lunch, Duke Street Audit, Days Out in Dennistoun, etc. These groups have met on days other than Tuesdays and are co-ordinated to suit the needs of working group members.

DCC colleague in message above has highlighted that we'd hope to engage better with residents in all areas covered by DCC, including Haghill, Wellpark, Reidvale, Milnbank, and Hanson St/Wishart St.

The key commitment is that you live in the DCC area and have an interest in working with others to make Dennistoun a great place to be.

If you (or other interested parties) want to chat about DCC activities prior to submitting a nomination form then drop me a line at


#3 - Graham replied on the 15/09/2014 3:26:48 PM

I am interested in getting involved but work a lot of shifts etc - what are the commitments if you were to become a member. thanks.

#2 - DCC replied on the 14/09/2014 10:30:11 PM

You can also find a little more information and the form for download at

Closing date for nominations: 19th September

#1 - Dennistoun Community Council replied on the 12/09/2014 2:44:10 PM

To correct my message above for the sake of accuracy, if all DCC members seek re-election three vacant places remain, but we'd welcome more people applying. In the case of an election there is no guarantee of current members being re-elected.

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