how to get to hydro

gg posted on the 26/09/2014 1:07:19 AM

i am going to see still game at the hydro on saturday but i'm unsure of what buses take me there (from alexandra parade or duke street). can any one advise me? thanks.

#1 - Concerned replied on the 26/09/2014 12:12:34 PM

Why don't you use the train? Bridgeton Station takes you right to the SECC Station.

#2 - Mr Anderson replied on the 26/09/2014 12:13:52 PM

You'd probably be quicker and almost cheaper getting the train from duke street/parade to Partick. Changing at Partick and going back to the SECC.

Then it's a short walk to the Hydro from the SECC train station.

I don't know what time the trains stop on the way back though.


#3 - Frank Plowright replied on the 26/09/2014 12:15:56 PM

No buses run directly from Dennistoun. My advice would be to take a train from Bellgrove to Partick, and then to the S.E.C.C.

#4 - Malarki replied on the 26/09/2014 12:18:31 PM

#5 - Dennistonian replied on the 26/09/2014 12:20:43 PM

I'd go by train - I always do as its quicker and easier - no stopping.  You can either take train from Alexandra Parade/Bellgrove to Charing Cross with about a 15 min walk or walk down to Bridgeton (10 mins) and get the train from there to SECC.  Alternatively you can get the train from Alexandra Parade/Bellgrove to Partick then change over platform and go back one stop to SECC.  I know this sounds a bit of a faff but it isn't.  Enjoy!!

#6 - Mr Anderson replied on the 26/09/2014 2:44:45 PM

It looks like the general consensus is for the train.

I'm genuinely surprised the buses from town to the parade are always so busy when you have a regular-ish train service during the week. that the price of bus fares since I moved here (14 years ago) have more than doubled. that the areas in which a direct route from the Parade have been slashed (especially with the removal of the 42 service to the west end)//

#7 - John replied on the 27/09/2014 1:03:49 PM

Yep easiest way from Dennistoun to SECC is train to partick then crossover to other line and get on train down to SECC. The opposite way coming back and much cheaper.

#8 - Mort replied on the 27/09/2014 8:39:32 PM

I second the train option. Had a nice trip to Partick/Byres Road today and it was only £3 return - great value compared to the buses.

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