
Worried posted on the 29/09/2014 11:12:53 AM

Hi All
I had been experiencing nuisance from some teenagers intruding in the building, drinking alcohol, smoking, playing, music, urinating and vandalising while sitting in my close. I have phoned 101 whenever they are here but every time I expect police they never turn up. Unfortunately I have to go out speak to those intruders but I'm really worried of my security because communicating with them is risky as mostly they are very arrogant and offensive.
Please could some one let me know if they have experienced such things with police not turning up or if anyone provide some more number, which is more responsive.

#9 - Dennistoun Community Council replied on the 15/10/2014 10:36:49 AM

The matter of lack of police response was raised at last night's Dennistoun Community Council meeting in light of community police consistently advising people call in such situations. The Community Council will contact the police highlighting this thread.

#8 - anon replied on the 13/10/2014 7:42:41 PM

Get a fake camera and pop it at the front door, it's a long shot but worth a try. You can usually get these off Amazon. preferably get one that has a red led light to make it seem realistic

#7 - Anon replied on the 10/10/2014 1:32:47 PM

We had an incident in Whitehill Place a couple of weekends ago on the Sunday night, which is quite rare for our block.  Unfortunately I was out at the time and none of my neighbours called the police (security had finished for the night).  I reported it as soon as I got home but despite me being told the police would contact me, they didn't.  I made a further call 4 days later to ask what was happening to be told the officer dealing with it was on a day off and would call me when they were back on duty.  A week later I still haven't heard a thing. I don't expect a daily up-date from the police but one phone call would have been appreciated.

#6 - anon _l replied on the 7/10/2014 1:15:01 PM

I caught someone kicking the door in on Saturday. I'm not usually so confrontational but I just saw red!! He'd put his jumper down on the floor to keep it open so I don't know what he was planning but when I pulled him up about he claimed he was looking for a lighter and that he was just out of hospital!!

#5 - Anon replied on the 6/10/2014 9:51:21 PM

Please also remember that Whitehill place, court and hill foot St are patrolled by security company securigroup. They patrol sun to thurs 3.30pm to 11pm and Friday and sat 3pm to 3am. During contracted hours you can phone the security guard on duty - 07989 998 023 or securigroup switchboard on 0141 285 3824. Edzell can give you more info should you need it, but it's really important to keep calling and reporting any incident as you will eventually see more patrols in sight.
We suffered for many months/years and eventually got a new secure door installed that couldn't be kicked open.
Good luck

#4 - John replied on the 29/09/2014 10:36:56 PM

Keep reporting it until it flags up on their system. The more it's reported the more likely you will get a police presence in the area.

#3 - Worried replied on the 29/09/2014 6:50:23 PM

Thank you all for your response, appreciate it.
Well I live in new flats at Whitehill place and the building I live does not contain any flats on ground floor therefore it is a favourite place for these teens to hang around and enjoy drinking, smoking hidden from all. After enjoying they start troubling by different techniques, Moreover they come late in night and open the door by force. Fortunately this problem had been halted for while after the big fire at hillfoot street when the police were patrolling daily but unfortunately during games it started again.

#2 - anon_l replied on the 29/09/2014 2:49:25 PM

I go through this on a regular basis. What I would say and it took me a while to believe it but the more you report it means they put out more police in your area. I also contact my factors about it who work in conjunction with the police. My factor isnt a private one so not sure if this makes a difference. Its horrible and to feel so intimidated in your own home isnt on.

#1 - Frank Plowright replied on the 29/09/2014 12:35:04 PM

Police officers attending Dennistoun Community Council meetings regularly urge people to phone regarding teenagers and disruptive behaviour in blocks. If they're then not attending I'd suggest you're entitled to an explanation why. You could call London Road police station and ask for a visit from the community police officers and pass on your concerns to them.

#0 - Mort replied on the 29/09/2014 12:15:15 PM

Really sorry to hear about this. Do you have any idea how they are getting into the building? If it's friends of a neighbours child then you would be more than entitled to mention your concerns to them. Is someone buzzing them in? Is the front door security system in order?

I've been through this before and this is the time of year it starts back up when it's getting darker/colder. I understand there might be a view that there isn't a great deal to do for young people (the various neighbourhood centres might disagree) but there's no excuse for this kind of behaviour. Why should people fear for their security? Do they do this in their own close? Probably not.

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