Found a bike in whitehill place

Saif posted on the 7/10/2014 1:17:33 PM

I have found a bike lying in my close but finding it difficult to locate the owner. I suppose some teenagers must have nicked it from some other place and left it in my close. I have checked with people in my building at whitehill place but could not locate its owner. If someone has lost his or her bike please feel free to contact me on my email ( or reply on this forum. While replying please specify bike type, manufacturer name and other things you think you have attached on the bike, my apologies for suspicious but this will help me determine actual owner.

#2 - Saif replied on the 13/10/2014 10:47:22 AM

Actually I was away for a week, I will be doing it soon probably today.

#1 - Anon replied on the 10/10/2014 10:55:42 AM

Daft question but I take it you have you reported it to the police in case someone has reported it stolen?

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