Zoo Tots- New Toddler group in Dennistoun
Kevin McMillan posted on the 24/10/2014 11:48:56 PM
Zoo Tots classes are weekly, mostly during term time. It's £5 per class. That includes a proper coffee! Four animals every week, with lots of activities. We bring along three different animals each week plus our mascot rabbit Snowie, who comes along every week to tell the children what he has been doing all week. We have a feeding time and petting time. It's a great experience for both parents and toddlers.The class is suitable for 18 months-4 years. We have a class in Dennistoun New Parish Church on Armadale Street on a Wednesday morning.You can reserve a space now by e-mailing zootots@gmail.com . You don't need to block book, but you do need to tell us you want to come so not too many people turn up on the day. Face book Zoo Tots
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