anon_l posted on the 29/10/2014 10:30:09 AM
Is anyone concerned about the amount of bonfires there is this year. I can't say I've seen them but the smell has been around a lot earlier and more often this year. I woke at 3am to a really strong smell of what I assume was a bonfire and was fully expecting it to be right outside my flat, the smell was so strong.
Where are they burning them? It makes me nervous that it's probably very close to buildings.
- 5 Replies :
#1 - Anon replied on the 29/10/2014 2:32:33 PM
There had been a strong smell of smoke in the area on Monday night and into yesterday. I assumed this was due to the large fire down Polmadie Road way on Monday?
Haven't seen any bonfires in the area... yet...
#2 - anon_l replied on the 29/10/2014 2:48:39 PM
Oh gosh - i hadnt realised there was a fire there. I smelt it on Monday as well and just assumed it was a bonfire.
#3 - John replied on the 30/10/2014 12:22:00 PM
The smell was from the big fire at Polmadie on Monday night, I haven't seen any bonfires yet but there have been lot's of fireworks especially at weekends.
#4 - Paul replied on the 30/10/2014 6:09:21 PM
Its Halloween and Bonfire night so Its nothing unusual...
#5 - anon_l replied on the 30/10/2014 7:47:06 PM
Paul I'm not saying unusual just thought there was a higher amount this year, but the fire in Polmadie explains the smell.
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