Derek Mcculloch posted on the 8/11/2014 12:22:47 PM
Fisher Street ,1951 lived their till 1960 went to Golfhill, moved to Barlanark hoping to find people from that era
- 7 Replies :
#7 - Beth replied on the 20/07/2015 4:41:54 PM
Hi Beth I sent you a message about contacing Robert Lamb he would love to hear from Alan we all played in the same team anyway I hope you are both well Joe he is on Facebook
#6 - Beth replied on the 19/07/2015 3:38:05 PM
Hello Beth Robert Lamb was asking about Alan , I managed to contact him through facebook all the gang were asking for you both at Ian rennox we were there for lunch last Sat hope your both well Joe
#5 - Beth replied on the 19/07/2015 11:38:12 AM
My husband Allan Duncan, lived in 27 Fisher St. Until we got married, then in 1969 he emigrated to 57 Edmund Street until it was pulled down and we moved to South Africa in 1972
#4 - Bill replied on the 13/11/2014 3:53:25 PM
I was born in Dennistoun in 1949 and also went to Golfhill Schoolfrom the age of five till I was ten then Moved to Garthamlock.I moved back to Dennistoun when I left School and lived there till 1969.
#3 - Big Wullie replied on the 12/11/2014 10:26:56 PM
i didn't live in the area, but went to school with people who did.
 Robert Ferrie, Willie Torrance, Edwin Burrows, Dougie Walker,Nancy Crockett, and a few more I'm sure I'll remember as soon as I send this email.
#2 - jeanette replied on the 10/11/2014 10:28:25 PM
Hi Derek
I was born in Dennistoun in 1949 and lived in Edmund St from 1957 to 1960. I also went to Golfhill primary during those years. I don't think we know each other and I'm guessing you'd like contact with people you already know so good luck with finding them. What number in Fisher St did you live? My grandmother was born in either 91 or 92. I'd need to look it up.
#1 - macboy replied on the 10/11/2014 2:08:12 AM
my late husband and his sister lived on fisher street they were alex and jean mcphie also went to golfhill
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