Reporting road and footpath repairs

Dennistoun Community Council posted on the 13/11/2014 7:26:17 PM

Dennistoun Community Council is to submit an audit to Land Services of large stretches of road or footpath in our area requiring repair. This is not about individual potholes, although we'll report any posted in this thread, but whole streets or sections needing attended to. As examples the footpaths on Duke Street are in a very poor state running east from Armadale St and Whitevale St, and Reidvale Street starting from where the repairs stopped a couple of years ago running east to Sword Street has several significant faults. We can't guarantee immediate attention, but it's hoped the work we report will be prioritised.

#12 - Saif replied on the 24/07/2015 1:26:23 PM

I guess the complete section from Bellgrove traffic lights to milerton st traffic light is required to be remade, cycling on this road is a bumpy ride.

#11 - Dennistoun Community Council replied on the 22/05/2015 11:55:04 AM

It's taken a little longer than we wanted due to a letter going missing, but it has now been confirmed by Land Services that all the road and paving areas reported in December as requiring more than just a pothole filled are now scheduled to be carried out. I believe the junction of Marne St and Alexandra Parade has already been addressed. The other areas are the footpath running East on Duke St from the Armadale St/Whitevale St crossing, the footpaths at the North of Armadale St and Whitevale St, the junction of Craigpark with Duke St and the junction of Golfhill Drive with Armadale St.

Land Services also asked us to pass on that in some instances health and safety issues demand their first response to some potholes is the small patch of tar filling. This doesn't mean that the area isn't noted for more permanent work if required.

#10 - Steve replied on the 9/12/2014 11:58:47 PM

Addition to the above - when I say is it worthwhile. it is worthwhile - I meant on the topic of this thread :-)

#9 - Steve replied on the 9/12/2014 11:57:58 PM

Is it worthwhile mentioning the signs and markings (or lack off) at most of the drives? I stay on Finlay drive and I have lost count the amount of times I have seen cars (mostly taxis) fly right through the junctions as the lines have worn away and there are no give way signs. This really is an accident waiting to happen. I now approach them all with the attitude I don't have right of way even when I do, as even though it won't be my "fault", I don't want to knowingly put someone in a position of forking out for cars to get fixed.

#8 - Pat replied on the 8/12/2014 4:39:10 AM

Pretty much the whole of Roslea Drive's footpaths need repaired. They're in a terrible condition. (I also agree about that bus stop on Duke Street).

#7 - Dennistoun Community Council replied on the 4/12/2014 2:10:58 PM

I'll report the pothole in the road on the Parade. I'm less confident of any action being taken regarding the bus stop but we can raise this with First Bus.

#6 - Aileen Mac replied on the 4/12/2014 2:09:32 PM

complete co-incidence but the deep pot hole I posted about yesterday on this thread is currently being fixed. Hurray.  Let's hope it's fixed permanently this time as it only usually lasts a couple of weeks

#5 - Aileen Mac replied on the 3/12/2014 1:20:52 PM

there is a really bad pothole on the road right beside the pavement on Alexandra Parade at the traffic lights near Bennys chip shop. When it rains and buses or lorries pass they splash any pedestrians passing by and the windows of the shops there get filthy and small stones get embedded in the glass from the ground

#4 - Paul replied on the 27/11/2014 12:18:05 PM

Yes, it is annoying. When a bus is approaching people at the stop all stand in the way on the pavement fairly oblivious that people are walking and need past.

#3 - Malarki replied on the 26/11/2014 11:07:32 PM

Can anything be done about some of the bus stops along Duke St that block the pavement? Thinking particularly of the one between Craigpark and Westercraigs and the ones between Bellgrove and Barrack St.? The advertising hoardings severely restrict the pavement.

#2 - Denistoun Community Council replied on the 25/11/2014 2:56:25 PM

Thanks for your help. I've reported the raised footpath near the school, the sunken drain cover and the pothole, and will include the section of Golfhill in the report letter.

#1 - mac01 replied on the 22/11/2014 12:17:20 PM

Well there is a pothole at the traffic lights on Alexandra parade outside Two sides hairdressers just east of Meadowpark street. It was "patched" a while back but has sunk again. If its been wet and you are waiting at the lights your going to get a muddy shower, plus when buses or large vehicles hit it there is vibration in the nearby buildings which is getting worse the more the hole develops. There seems to be a crack along the road emanating from this pothole both east to west and north to south, I mention that because its right on top of a main and the vibration can be doing that any good.

There is a very uneven patch of pavement at the corner of  Alexandra parade and Armadale street just at the school I think its the cover to cable lines. A real trip hazard.

At the post office on the parade there is a sunken drain cover which is obscured from sight, until your right on top of it, by the tables and chairs that Amore restaurant has put out on the footpath, so its easy to step into it if your going to the PO.

The road surface on Golfhill Drive was breaking up badly at the top end of the hill school side but I have not been up there for about a week so they may have sorted that.

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