Litter & street cleaning
Fiona posted on the 29/11/2014 10:27:58 PM
Has anyone else noticed that we seem to have a greater than usual problem with litter at the moment? It's particularly bad on Duke Street. There used to be regular street cleaning there at night but I'm not sure if this is happening any more. The bins are a state too, some have been broken for months and many appear never to be emptied with the result rubbish is left on top to be blown away.
- 6 Replies :
#1 - dave replied on the 30/11/2014 4:04:14 PM
The litter is horrendous down Cumbernauld at and the Duke street train station.
Also the Gallowgate next to Barrowfield(Green Belts)is also a midden that never gets cleaned up.
Lets find out whos in charge of this part of the city.
#2 - Fiona replied on the 1/12/2014 4:52:18 PM
I just rang Glasgow Land and Environmental Services about this ( 0141 287 9700 ) and said that there has been an ongong problem with litter, broken and overflowing bins, and lack of regular street sweeping in this area. So they have noted what I said and put in a request for street cleaning - I emphasised that I consider this an ongoing problem and she said to ring back in a week if it is still an issue and they will escalate it to a formal complaint.
I would suggest if anyone else feels strongly they ring the same number so that they can document a large number of complaints which will make them more likely to take action quickly.
#3 - Dennistoun Community Council replied on the 2/12/2014 8:27:21 PM
Fiona, there is a separate thread here highlighting missing bins (and other street cleansing issues). DCC has been forwarding all reports to Land and Environmental Services (LES) for action.
We've also asked that other options be considered instead of the post-mounted plastic bins: these are particularly prone to vandalism. We should have an update from LES area supervisor at DCC's next meeting on 9th December (7pm at Gingerbread Hall, Armadale Street).
#4 - jack replied on the 12/02/2015 4:49:12 PM
I see theve don't absolutely nothing about the rubbish in and around the Cumbernauld rd/Duke street train station.Even a small bush polluted in garbadge.Shocking.
#5 - Malarki replied on the 12/02/2015 6:45:11 PM
Much like myself, GCC only tidy up when visitors are coming.
#6 - anon replied on the 12/02/2015 6:46:14 PM
It's still so bad, we virtually have to hop scotch around dog mess.
Why is there no enforcement? I would have thought a few days of people being fined for dog mess and litter would be enough to get word out that it won't be tolerated.
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