Car parts theft

Anon posted on the 3/01/2015 7:06:14 PM

Over last month I have had and indicator light stolen from my car and my partner had the badge stolen from his.  I have noticed quite a few cars with small parts (aerials badges, wheel trims etc.) missing on Whitehill Street (Alexandra Parade end).  Please be vigilant - I have reported this to the police.

#4 - Bobby replied on the 4/04/2015 12:48:18 PM

pink powder anon, its usually WHITE lol.........

ps maybe if the police have the time to go round doors like a postman posting letters would it not be more influential for them to go round and do some decent policing with their time and give the post office the letters to put through your doors....

#3 - anon replied on the 16/02/2015 10:21:27 AM

I have pink powder over mine before Christmas then had a letter through the door from police regarding people's badges. Don't see the point in it maybe should get a camera at that end of street

#2 - anon replied on the 22/01/2015 6:58:09 AM

Yes i have had small part's disappear from the front of my car also, leaving behind two unsightly hole's.
Very annoying and strange to say the least

#1 - Bobby replied on the 17/01/2015 1:58:41 PM

i can see it falling on deaf ears then anon, once i had the car stolen outside my house in garthland drive and found it some days later in springburn with the radio headrests seat covers and tools all missing, you never feel the same for the car after it do you.....

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