
Jenny posted on the 29/01/2015 7:26:05 PM

Has anyone had any luck getting rid of mice in a tenement?

#1 - Anon replied on the 29/01/2015 7:41:25 PM

Hi Jenny, what floor are you on?

#2 - Fiona replied on the 30/01/2015 12:21:43 AM

Keep all food completely out of reach - no crumbs on floors or surfaces, no porridge or crisps etc in cupboards that and not entirely self contained.  Move everything that is not in tins or jars to a place they can not possible get to (yes, they will be able for crawl into spaces where there is a gap of 1cm/1.5cm.

If you dry up the food supply they will stop coming.  (In my experience)  After taking care of that install one of those electronic plug ins that emit a pulse to add further deterrant (as long as you have no pets who might be disturbed by this).

#3 - anon replied on the 30/01/2015 11:10:17 AM

Fiona's absolutely right. Be scrupulous about crumbs, keep all food in sealable containers - mice can bite through packaging. And seal ALL small gaps in skirting boards and around pipes with foam sealant to discourage entry. We were overrun by fieldmice from the garden as the house had been empty for a while and there was some birdseed spilled in the cupboard it had been kept in, but since we removed everything of interest to them, sealed entry points and cleared out corners they had been making nests in, they haven't been back - no need for nasty traps or poison. They'll go where the food source is.

#4 - ANON_L replied on the 30/01/2015 1:02:24 PM

Echo everyone elses suggestions. My sister had an issues with mice and was told they can fit into a hole the same circumference as a pencil. She got humane traps which did nothing and resorted to inhumane ones, which just have the mice a good feast! Once she cleaned EVERYWHERE they disappeared.

#5 - Malarki replied on the 30/01/2015 7:54:42 PM

We've got cats. We never have problems with mice.

#6 - anon replied on the 31/01/2015 1:04:32 PM

Strangely there was a cat living in the mouse infested house. She got some of them but it didn't stop the rest coming in. A friend's cat catches mice regularly but they keep coming into the flat (and getting caught). If there's a food source they'll take the risk.

#7 - Malarki replied on the 1/02/2015 12:39:30 AM

I have food. I have cats. I don't have mice.

#8 - Interested replied on the 2/02/2015 1:23:14 PM

I have food. I have cats. I do have mice.

#9 - The Mentalist replied on the 2/02/2015 1:24:07 PM

My cat brought in a mouse to the house to play with, got bored with it and it went behind the washing machine.   Had to buy a trap to get rid of it.

#10 - anon_l replied on the 2/02/2015 6:04:13 PM

I watched a program about what cats get up to during the day and there was one cat who just tortured the poor things but never put them out their misery. Basically because it still have the hunting instinct but because he was fed at home, there was no need to eat the mouse meaning it was just used as a play thing!

#11 - anon replied on the 2/02/2015 6:05:28 PM

I think a lot of the advice that you see is about blocking up entrance points, which is all well and good but a virtually impossible task in these old tenements. Keeping food completely inaccessible is the only way to stop them setting up base.

#12 - Malarki replied on the 2/02/2015 6:52:08 PM

My cats are killers. Some days I come home and it's like that scene from Silence of the Lambs ...

#13 - Jenny replied on the 3/02/2015 1:54:02 AM

I'm top floor. Yeah there are so many holes even between each floorboard. Not sure how I would be able to block everything! I'm pretty tidy too but maybe need to put everything on tins as well. nightmare..

#14 - anon replied on the 3/02/2015 3:36:18 PM

maybe Malarki would let you borrow her cats for a few days

#15 - anon replied on the 3/02/2015 6:36:47 PM

Once you've made sure there is no access to any food. Try putting down cotton balls with peppermint oil, the smell apparently deters them. Worked for me in my last tenement although you will have to keep adding more oil every few days to keep the scent.

#16 - Malarki replied on the 3/02/2015 9:16:00 PM

Gender realigned ...

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