Old Pictures

Steve posted on the 9/02/2015 11:21:02 AM

Hi all, I'm looking to see if anyone can point me in the direction of any pictures of inside some of the tenement flats? I'm simply being curious / nosey to see what they used to look like. Just now they are filled with modern gadgets, flat screen tvs and double glazing windows. It would be really cool to see some from the early 1900s if possible to see what they used to look like. I've had a look online but there is only pictures of he outside.

#5 - Kate replied on the 9/03/2015 1:57:53 PM

I'm the same - fascinated to know what they looked like when they were built.  I'd recommend The Tenement House - I went this weekend, and the flat itself is interesting, and they also have a model of a whole block, showing what the layout used to be, and how it's been converted to they way most flats are now.

#4 - walkman replied on the 6/03/2015 8:20:08 PM

Hello Steve, Google virtual Mitchell, If you then follow the links you'll find all manner of photographs relating to Glasgow.

#3 - Anne Smith replied on the 5/03/2015 8:22:36 PM

If you go to Mitchell Library or Dennistoun Library and look at the back of a book Two Wee Lassies up a Close by Anne Smith that will show you what the inside looked like. As I was born and bred in a tenement.

#2 - wullie replied on the 9/02/2015 6:17:22 PM

Hi steve, there is a tenement house that belongs to the national trust for scotland,in its original condition that you can visit.
Its not in dennistoun though,its near charing cross at 145
buccleuch street.check their website before you go as it is closed in the quiet season sometimes.

#1 - anon replied on the 9/02/2015 5:01:16 PM

if you go to the peoples palace in the glasgow green they have set up a old fashioned tenement "room and kitchen" as a free standing exibit as it would have looked in the old days, its much better than looking at some old photos - it looks pretty grim in fact

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