Milbank Housing - Factoring Service
Charlotte posted on the 22/02/2015 8:59:03 PM
Our close is thinking of moving to Milbank Housing Association for their factoring service. All our flats are owner occupied. What's attractive about Milnbank is that they offer one insurance policy for all owners up the close.
Does anyone have any experience/pints of view?
- 6 Replies :
#1 - P replied on the 24/02/2015 2:17:09 AM
They factor us. We are new flats not a tenement. Office staff are friendly and helpful, repairs are done quickly. Their joiner once came out to my flat and jimmied open a door where the handle had fallen off and didn't charge me.//
#2 - John replied on the 24/02/2015 12:39:27 PM
My house was built by Milnbank in 1996, I have always had them as a factor, have never had any problems with them and compared with stories about other factors in the Dennistoun area I wouldn't want to be with anyone else.
#3 - Kate replied on the 24/02/2015 2:21:37 PM
MHA have been our factor for a couple of years now and really pleased with them, particularly compared to the company we used before.
Agree with John, the staff are really friendly. When my kitchen ceiling came down, they sent someone round the same day to check it and their maintenance staff are great.
Highly recommended!
#4 - curiouscat replied on the 25/02/2015 6:52:16 PM
Best factor in Glasgow in my opinion. Compared to some of the others, they are way better :)
#5 - Sarah replied on the 28/02/2015 1:46:11 AM
I'd definitely recommend them, our close switched to Milnbank and the fees are £15 per month lower than the previous factor and the service so much better.
#6 - Fiona replied on the 28/02/2015 4:38:35 PM
Great to see these recommendations, we are so frustrated with our factor I will speak to others in my close about maybe changing to Milnbank
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