Milerston Street piles of rubbish.

Gregor posted on the 11/03/2015 4:19:02 PM

Hello everyone, is anybody else disgusted to have a walk from Duke Street along the Milerston Street towards Forge Park? I mean the walk beside the twin towers, above the rail tracks. The amount of litter beside the fencing and behind it - what a disgrace. I study an environmental degree and could pick it all up myself BUT IT'S JUST TOO MUCH LITTER!!!! Who do I have to report it to - is it the council?  Thanks

#1 - anon _l replied on the 11/03/2015 8:51:37 PM

Welcome to my world. I unfortunately live on this street and I'm utterly ashamed. You shouldn't HAVE to pick it up yourself. It'd be nice if they actually enforced the no fly tipping warnings but they need to invest in staff to patrol this in some way.

#2 - Malarki replied on the 11/03/2015 9:14:08 PM

#3 - The Mentalist replied on the 11/03/2015 9:20:08 PM

What happened to the "Payback" scheme?

#4 - anon _l replied on the 12/03/2015 11:47:43 AM

What's the payback scheme?

#5 - The Mentalist replied on the 12/03/2015 2:46:49 PM

It's where prisoners where supposed to do community payback, so painting, gardening, picking up litter. Obviously, a headline grabber then nothing.

Oh well, we'll just have to rely on people not dropping litter. What's the chances??

#6 - Gregor replied on the 12/03/2015 7:52:36 PM

Thanks for the link will have to finally start demanding them to do something about that, coz it looks like it's getting worse every day?? Not like the neighbouring businesses ever care to clean it up as a sign of goodwill..

#7 - Gregor replied on the 12/03/2015 7:54:11 PM

PS It is a big shame that humans who are supposed to be the 'thinking creatures' (according to a legend) cannot even carry out a simple activity of cleaning up after themselves. That is probably the easiest job to do.

#8 - anon_l replied on the 13/03/2015 10:23:40 AM

Gregor - i agree. It was drilled into me by my mum that you kept your rubbish on you till you found a bin and to this day I still do that. My coat pockets can be full! People just dont have respect from their surrounding, the environment, others and themselves!

#9 - anon replied on the 22/03/2015 12:47:23 PM

i can see now that the rubbish has been collected hmm i reported the issue to the GCC and they came and did it so quickly? not bad

#10 - Danny replied on the 2/04/2015 7:54:08 PM

people just don't care to keep it clean, especially in the east End

#11 - anon replied on the 2/06/2015 7:07:50 PM

Duke street train station area-

The grass hasn't been cut now since last years Commonwealth games-utter disgrace.

#12 - anon_l replied on the 2/06/2015 11:36:26 PM

It wasn't really cut before the games either. That's what really bugged me about the games. Yes, make the place look tidy, but not just for the tourists.

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