Looking for a 1 or 2 Bed Flat

Greg posted on the 27/03/2015 12:45:42 PM


I've been looking for a place in Dennistoun for a while now as my girlfriend and friends are local and it's proving tough to find anything of value through private landlords.

I avoid agencies as they jack prices up and don't seem to do anything for their cut-one today said that 'we're not allowed to charge fees any more but if you want to rent this flat you need to give us a credit report from this company which will skin you £50...

Does anyone know of anything going privately in the next couple of weeks? I'm a quiet person, respectful and like top floor flats, work as an exhibitions technician and study. Budget £350-450.

Thanks for letting me know.

#1 - Anon replied on the 27/03/2015 4:12:01 PM

Contact Ray on 07981864660.

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