issues with bins

anon_l posted on the 5/04/2015 10:22:51 AM

We have 2 large mental bins for the residents to put their rubbish bags in, except it appears the majority don't bother bagging it correctly. We regularly have bags just chucked in which haven't been tied up however today there was paper bag full of used nappies. The nappies werent in nappy sacks. The smell is disgusting, there's already rat traps and the rubbish get spilled everywhere when the bin men come although I don't blame them for not picking up dirty nappies. Honestly some of the residents should be ashamed of themselves.
Does anyone know if this is council issue or a factor issue. Everyone apart from me is a housing association Tennant.

#5 - Anon replied on the 15/06/2015 10:27:55 AM

I would also contact the Housing Association and ask the Manager to speak to the Tenants about bagging there Rubbish

#4 - autumn replied on the 13/06/2015 2:06:13 AM

I also have an issue with the large bins. My mum is elderly and has a problem with these bins..she is small so cannot reach or would not even have the strength to lift the lid or even put the binbag in. She has to rely on myself to take her bin out everyday as we dont want to leave them outside as they would obviously be ripped open by birds, foxes etc What do elderly ppl with no family do? Neighbours are a no no unless u have really nice ones.

#3 - ritzo replied on the 24/04/2015 1:49:37 PM

the problem is the lack of awareness and will. people don't know how much negative impact littering can have cumulatively.

#2 - roteiro90 replied on the 13/04/2015 8:50:53 PM

// the neighbours on both sides of out tenement still haven't learned that bins are there on purpose. the rubbish is flying all over their back yards and their egoism will never allow them to pick them up and put them in the bins....

#1 - anon replied on the 7/04/2015 8:57:19 AM

its an enviromental health issue - contact your council

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