Charity Shops Collection
Kristen posted on the 12/04/2015 9:59:32 PM
Wondered if any of the charity shops along Duke Street did a collection service? I have a lot of stuff waiting to go to one and it's a lot to carry by myself from my flat to one of the shops! Are any of the shops in desperate need of donations more than others?
- 1 Reply :
#1 - C replied on the 13/04/2015 12:56:55 AM
I've seen some of the charity shops on Duke St (Salvation Army I think is one) use Home Run Removals. I guess it's for bulkier items like furniture but it might be worth popping in or calling the shop to see if they'll
collect your items.
Or perhaps call Home Run Removals - if you google them you'll get their website. I used them for a house move a couple of years ago and they were pretty efficient.
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