Alarm on Alexandra parade

anon posted on the 13/04/2015 7:48:06 PM

Anyone else find the alarm in Alexandra parade annoying ? It goes off often and goes on all day.

#7 - anon replied on the 26/04/2015 7:25:43 PM

Thanks for the link Malarki.

#6 - anon replied on the 25/04/2015 11:51:31 PM

Yup that's the one. It's going just now!! Someone had said it was the factory. It wakes me up in the night !!!

#5 - Malarki replied on the 22/04/2015 7:38:10 PM

#4 - anon replied on the 22/04/2015 6:34:43 PM

It's still be going intermittently (assuming we're all talking about the same one).

It seems to be from the building on Whitehill Street //. But as it's empty, I don't know who's responsible for the building.

#3 - anon replied on the 14/04/2015 6:46:47 PM

I'M glad I'm not only one who heard it. It was still going when j left for work this morning. I'm about to head home son. Hopefully get some sleep :) I will keep that in mind if it is still going on.

#2 - curious cat replied on the 14/04/2015 5:55:17 PM

We had an alarm that went off for ages like the one you mention. I called the police on 101 and it soon stopped.

#1 - T replied on the 14/04/2015 9:43:21 AM

I heard it. It went on all through the night. Kept waking me up. That's nearly 24hrs it's been going off

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