Alexandra Park

Anon posted on the 4/07/2015 4:55:44 PM

Has anyone read the news about the old man that got slashed in Alexandra Park?! 2 serious incidents in as many days!!

#5 - running man replied on the 6/08/2015 11:27:54 PM

That picnic table spot used to be a bit of a hangout for drinkers. But not anywhere near as much lately. It seems to have tailed off hugely over the past two or three years. Whenever I've been passing, at least.

#4 - Mort replied on the 6/07/2015 4:14:56 PM

The park can be a bit of a nightmare in the summer. Autumn, Winter and Spring - no problem. As soon as the mercury rises the park attracts some unsavoury characters. They all seem to have big dogs too. Where are these pets the rest of the year? - I honestly never see them out-with these short few months. Alcohol plays a significant role in all of this and it would be great to have some police/community officers/parkie patrolling the place. I know it's not unique to this park and budgets are tight and all that but it's so frustrating. Why should a minority of idiots get away with spoiling it for others?

#3 - Anon replied on the 6/07/2015 10:39:29 AM

I haven't been up to the park for ages as used to hate walking past all the drinkers with my kids. Hopefully after this awful incident there will be more police around. I honestly don't know why they got rid of the Parkie. He was always around when I was younger and there was no trouble plus the park was always choca with kids/families/dog walkers.

#2 - Concered replied on the 6/07/2015 7:06:16 AM

Heard it was one of the Alexandra Park Drinking Crew that got slashed.

#1 - Daily Record replied on the 4/07/2015 4:56:44 PM

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