Seagull cull in Dennistoun
fedup posted on the 20/07/2015 4:40:16 PM
In recent years the number of seagulls have rocketed in Dennistoun, they make some racket from early morning till late at night with their screeching, and make a right mess of peoples cars with their "flying bombs" (number 2's) not to mention the damage they must be doing to peoples roofs where they seem to nest, and the worst part is were MILES from the sea, would it not be possible tor the council to arrange a seagull/pigeon cull to thin their numbers down to a more reasonable level
- 17 Replies :
#17 - resident replied on the 31/08/2015 12:26:49 AM
I'm a big fan of 'em. More animals, please.
#16 - Malarki replied on the 28/08/2015 9:07:53 PM
Humans are supposed to be the most intelligent species on the planet but the first reaction when some other form of life inconveniences it is to kill it. There are far worst pests than the gulls in Dennistoun and more humane ways to deal with life's little discomforts.
#15 - anon_l replied on the 28/08/2015 9:06:35 PM
The mentalist - try working where I do, where every year the seagulls nest and then dive bomb you because they think your going to get their babies. I don't "hate" them but I do have a dislike them. Doesnt mean Id like them culled,hurt etc.
#14 - The Mentalist replied on the 28/08/2015 12:07:37 PM
Sad to read such hatred and intolerance to a living thing.
#13 - anon replied on the 28/08/2015 9:22:20 AM
seagull are becoming a pest in many parts of the country, a few years ago all you had to worry about was a few pigeons, but now we have a plague of seagull descended on us, dive-bombing people and pets not to mention pooing on cars and washings.
time to revoke their "protected species" label and hire a few pest control experts to get rid of them
#12 - anon_l replied on the 25/08/2015 2:15:33 PM
If its the same guy - then he does the same down at Millerston Street.
There was a woman in the Tesco car park feeding the gulls too!
#11 - anon replied on the 25/08/2015 1:23:41 PM
There's a guy on Broompark who empties entire bags of bread into the street for the gulls.
A solution might be a hawk, or due the size of the bloody things some kind of flying dinosaur!
#10 - anon replied on the 28/07/2015 3:39:58 AM
I didn't know that those blighters were a protected species.
no wonder they laugh at you after ****ping on your freshly washed car.
they have turned into a nuisance, I have seen them dive bombing local residence.
#9 - Anon_s replied on the 22/07/2015 9:10:56 PM
Andy, if I wanted to live with nature...I'd live in the countryside. But I don' I don't...I live in the city...where people can't be bothered to put their rubbish in the the birds get an easy meal...and ruin things people pay a lot of money for. I have a lot of friends in Australia and they are forever posting on social network about the culls of wildlife out there. The same in North America...and continental Europe.
#8 - John replied on the 22/07/2015 10:44:51 AM
Seagulls just like foxes have moved into the cities over the years because of the amount of food waste that is thrown away by people in bin bags.It's easy pickings for them too feed on. So as they are both protected species, sorry people but they are here to stay.
#7 - Andy replied on the 22/07/2015 10:37:26 AM
The Lesser black backed gulls,the ones that are most obvious at the moment, will be off to their winter grounds soon enough and all the poor wee souls that are having there beddy baws interupted by some bird noise and having to run a damp cloth over their wee cars occasionally can rest easy. Maybe by the time the birds return to breed next year the Anons and Fedup`s and co will have realized that the world doesnay revolve around them and you have to live with nature. And several UK gull species breed have always bred inland miles from the sea, and no, they don`t damage roofs, they hardly even build a nest.People in the world live side by side with bears, tigers,venomous snakes, crocodiles and this greeting faced nation gets its knickers in a twist about a seagull stealing oor chips or a fox peeing on oor roses. Its a total brass neck
#6 - Anon_s replied on the 21/07/2015 4:27:45 PM
I really am sick fed up of washing my car every 2 days as the droppings are highly acidic and will eat away at the paint even after a couple of days. Pleas keep encouraging people to stop feeding them as when the gulls disappear it will only attract mice / rats into the area.
#5 - steve replied on the 21/07/2015 4:26:57 PM
the seagulls like all sea birds are presently under a protection order due to depleted numbers in recent decades , consequently the council is very limited in what they can do ; even the Scottish government has to use non lethal means such as hawks and scarer's to address problems. However they are only exploiting new food resources as fish stocks and sea life has depreciated in recent years .
#4 - Swan replied on the 21/07/2015 1:58:06 AM
Indeed, Malarki. It's July in Dennistoun and the forum is full of seagull chat. I know the gulls are louder and more active at this time of year, but I've got used to it over time.
I used to live in a very quiet village and was regularly annoyed about being woken up by owls hooting in the dead of night.
It won't last too long.
#3 - anon_l replied on the 20/07/2015 8:09:33 PM
There's a woman who comes to the car park at mine and feeds them. She also does it in Tesco carpark. My partner had a quiet word with her "encouraging" vermin and he got told to f off!!
With regards to the council doing something? Highly doubtful. Plus they're hear because of people who insist on dropping rubbish, food, litter. I think humans are more to blame than anything.
#2 - plb replied on the 20/07/2015 7:14:49 PM
My neighbours actually feed seagulls twice a day, not just bread but leftover meat and veg. The result being the rest of us have to risk our washing being splattered with 'waste'.
#1 - Malarki replied on the 20/07/2015 6:06:50 PM
When the seagulls follow the trawler, it's because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea.
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