Hillfoot street No Entry
djd7481 posted on the 11/08/2015 2:09:34 AM
Has anyone else been reported to the police by a local resident with accompanying 'video evidence' for allegedly going through a no entry sign at the top of Hillfoot Street?
Just curious as I find it bonkers someone would go to such lengths for such a minor thing. Why not have a word in my ear or a note on my car if it's really bothering you so much rather than have the police come to my door. Now I'm potentially facing 3 points on my license!
All a bit much for something that the majority of people who park here do. I could possibly understand more if I was bombing up the street but I'm not one for speeding or driving dangerously.
- 35 Replies :
#35 - Alan replied on the 25/08/2015 7:34:39 PM
"Bailout sky"?!?lol. Typing too fast for my own good and autocorrect stepped up.
Meant to write "absolutely need to buy"
#34 - Alan replied on the 25/08/2015 11:51:18 AM
To be honest, I don't think parking here is that bad. I always get a space close to my front door even when I return late at night. We all work strange hours in the area so we all leave and arrive at strange times. If I was to ever move to the west end I would bailout sky but somewhere with private parking.
#33 - The Mentalist replied on the 25/08/2015 9:15:58 AM
Dennistoun parking is bad but nothing can beat the Westend for mental parking.
#32 - aNON replied on the 24/08/2015 4:30:45 PM
Hill foot's no entry signs are bent at the top end of the street so you cant see them.
Needless to say cars come nose to nose
#31 - anon replied on the 24/08/2015 12:14:34 PM
@john b people parking on the pavement gets on my nerves too, its so thoughtless to pedestrians, they have got the whole road to park on and if the road isn't wide enough for cars to park both sides then the answer isn't to dump half your car on the pavement, some drivers are so selfish
#30 - Anon replied on the 21/08/2015 7:39:07 PM
Hoping we can somehow get the parking issues sorted at the entrance to Whitehill Place/Whitehill Court. It's ridiculous the number of people who park both sides of the entrance, half on the pavement, half on the road right the way up to the speed bump. The way they park blocks the view of anyone driving into the complex and reduces the road to single vehicle access. I have seen the Fire Brigade put notices on their cars asking them not to park there but they just get ignored.
#29 - john.b replied on the 21/08/2015 1:11:36 PM
the thing that really annoys me is people who park their cars partially on the pavement, it dangerous and inconsiderate, the pavement is supposed to be a safe place for people to walk without wondering if a car is going to bump up on the pavement beside you, not to mention the fact that it makes the pavement much narrower and harder to negotiate. I have had a word with some of those motorists and they ask what they are supposed to do as the pavements aren't always wide enough for cars to park each side, my reply is always the same if there is not enough space to park on the road both sides them maybe you should find somewhere else to park - but that never goes down with them very well
#28 - resident replied on the 20/08/2015 11:45:52 PM
"The Police have more important things to do?" Do you know the road traffic accident stats for that road, or roads in the vicinity? Do you know the exact workload of the Police? Do you have the details of all the other considerations? No. Leave the decision-making to those armed with the knowledge and experience to do so.
"The majority of people drive up there the wrong way?" No. They really don't. That's just an attempt to justify your actions by normalising the misdemeanour.
If you've been caught out for being clearly in the wrong. Accept it. Move on. It's entirely the reporter's prerogative to report the issue.
Approaching you directly? No thanks. Where's the guarantee of a rational conversation and a promise to do the right thing in the future, rather than the possibility of a physical comeback?
As already mentioned, if you feel really strongly about the perceived silliness of it all, put together a case for change and present it to the relevant parties.
Note that the new road at the corner of Hillfoot street was not designed for two-way traffic. If bin trucks are having trouble getting round the corner because of parked cars, the answer isn't to just mount the kerb and power through a no entry junction up a one way street.
For the record, the Road is made up of the Carrigeway and Footway. At the location in question, the road is 'public', rather than 'private'. But note that a private road can still be a public right of way. Getting the terminology correct and consulting up to date information is key.
The parking spaces are collectively private. And the owners of the associated properties collectively have the right (as per their land certificate/title deeds) to put some form of enforcement (eg private permits) in place if they wish. That's unlikely to happen unless there are very serious parking issues, though (and, despite the issues, elsewhere in the Drives, that's not currently the case here).
#27 - Malarki replied on the 19/08/2015 10:58:02 PM
Hillfoot is not wide enough at the section that is no entry for traffic to pass each other - at least it's not because cars are constantly parked on both sides. But then that's the same as the rest of the Drives.
However, the point still is, doesn't matter how you got caught, you broke the rules, you've not even got the defence of ignorance (which is no defence) on your side. Be grown-up about it and just take your punishment as being on here complaining suggests that you may also be someone who has nothing better to do.
As for whether driving your car at children is a danger to them or not, I think the question you should be asking is whether it could be a danger to you? Parents don't take kindly to such things, even if done slowly, as the incident I recounted above illustrates.
#26 - Alan replied on the 19/08/2015 8:51:33 AM
Why not ask the council to move the no entry sign to the top of the hill? (Before I get shot down in flames I can't remember if the road is wide enough or not so please correct me before critizing me :-))
When are you likely to hear the outcome djd?
#25 - djd7481 replied on the 19/08/2015 2:33:43 AM
Interesting comments from all and the debate could go on forever but I guess that's what forums are for. My gripe still stands though regarding sending video evidence and involving the police - poor show. If I video' d every misinterpretation of the law on a daily basis I'd run out of memory on my phone in no time and I've got 32GB (go me!). I also know the police have better things to do with their time.
Furthermore, comments on here about endangering kids (specifically around the area I'm talking about) are baloney. If you know the junction you'll know it's the entrance to a car park at best and not a thoroughfare, traffic doesn't get out of first gear. You might not agree but I also don't appreciate being alined with putting life's at risk - more so kids!
#24 - Anon replied on the 18/08/2015 9:19:34 PM
I would imagine bin lorries might find difficult to take the right hand turn half way up Hillfoot street at times because of the way the cars often park on both sides right to the corner.
#23 - Seagull replied on the 18/08/2015 7:58:20 PM
I'm sure I can't be the only person who has noticed that the bin lorries routinely go the wrong way up Hillfoot street and along Finlay Drive.
#22 - Malarki replied on the 16/08/2015 11:28:52 PM
Indeed Mentalist, but those who perpetrate them don't complain about it when they get caught on here
#21 - Fixed and Dilated replied on the 16/08/2015 6:29:56 PM
The reporter's name (or alias) is clearly visible in the reports on the Fixmystreet site.
However, the answer is staring you straight in the face: don't drive the wrong way up/down a one way street and you won't be facing any fines/points on your licence.
#20 - The Mentalist replied on the 16/08/2015 6:28:58 PM
There are a lot worse things going on in Dennistoun than this.
#19 - Malarki replied on the 16/08/2015 5:21:57 PM
I don't video it when someone endangers my life by their irresponsible driving - I take their registration number, model and make, and what I do with it after that ...
#18 - Joe replied on the 16/08/2015 10:56:17 AM
A lot of people on this thread need to get out more, videoing traffic offences. Whatever makes you happy, much ado about nothing though.
#17 - Anon replied on the 16/08/2015 1:37:59 AM
'Not one for driving dangerously'????...and driving the wrong way up a one-street is perfect safe I take it? Would love to hear you explain that to your insurers when your luck runs out and you hit something.
Most people might find it 'bonkers' that you seem to think nothing of deliberately driving up a one way street and then have the nerve to complain that someone has reported you. Sorry but you know it's illegal, whether other people do it or not, so if you do get points then you only have yourself to blame.
#16 - John replied on the 14/08/2015 2:16:01 PM
I don't understand why you are complaining. So you are angry that someone made a video of you breaking the law by driving without due care and passed it onto the police.A lot of people use that road to cross over and someone coming the wrong way could knock them down by surprise.I applaud the resident for taking the stance and if more people done the same we would all have safer areas to live in.
#15 - Eden replied on the 14/08/2015 12:24:07 AM
I used to work on Hillfoot Street and lost count of the number of people on a daily basis who went down it the wrong way - almost always it resulted in some kind of near miss or altercation.
Many a time kids were almost hit and people getting out of cars thinking nothing could come down would be in danger.
The person could have had a quiet word but not because 'it was bothering them that much' but rather because you are breaking the law - pure and simple.
Take the punishment for the crime you committed and be grateful that you didn't cause an accident.
As an aside everyone who goes down the wrong way is on camera as Tibo has cameras that always point up that road!
#14 - Colin replied on the 13/08/2015 10:07:19 AM
Just follow the rules, its not difficult.
If you break the rules - you need to be prepared to deal with the consequences.
#13 - Boo replied on the 13/08/2015 10:00:01 AM
So if this is a public highway, can anyone park in there? My friend lived in there and I was "told off" for parking there one time when visiting her.
#12 - Malarki replied on the 13/08/2015 3:52:58 AM
The other problem with going through no entry signs is that some people might take great offence, and for good reason. I witness such a case at the junction of Roslea Drive and Whitehill St. a couple of years ago - someone decided to ignore the no entry sign and turned west along Roslea from Whitehill and as a consequence nearly ran over a couple of children who were crossing the road with their father. Said family hadn't bothered checking traffic coming from that direction as clearly no one would be so irresponsible to do so given the no entry sign. The father was understandably quite upset about this and I merrily watched him harangue the occupants of the car and give it a good kicking, leaving sizable dents in it. What defence did the driver have?
#11 - Alan replied on the 12/08/2015 3:52:20 PM
They can't put a barrier up as it's a public highway, hence it's a sign of that size and format. If it was a private road it wouldn't have the normal no entry sign.
#10 - The Mentalist replied on the 12/08/2015 10:46:14 AM
Seems a bit strange to have this no entry here in the first place. If it is annoying residents so much, perhaps they should get in touch with their factor and get a barrier put in.
#9 - djd7481 replied on the 12/08/2015 3:39:25 AM
Cheers Alan - that makes sense.
Colin - chaos? Hardly, the result of this person speaking to me vs contacting the police would have been the same. I'd have altered my actions accordingly if I knew they were bothering them so much. Give people some credit that they can amicably resolve things themselves in certain situations without the need for law and order getting involved.
Doesn't say much for a community that can't speak to each other first!
#8 - Malarki replied on the 12/08/2015 3:38:49 AM
Weird how people always think its OK for them to break rules that they perceive as 'petty' but not for others to break rules that those others might only perceive as 'petty'. The adult thing is to accept the fine if you do the crime ... and try and get the rule changed if you really think it's that wrong.
... and the thing about trying to have a quiet word with someone, is that that someone might turn out to be a complete psycho who gets verbally aggressive or worse - better to let those who are paid and trained to do it deal with it (it's what we pay some of our council tax for).
#7 - Anon replied on the 12/08/2015 3:37:50 AM
You were driving dangerously: you intentionally drove the wrong way up a one way street into the direction of oncoming traffic. Good luck arguing that one in court.
#6 - Colin replied on the 11/08/2015 9:04:15 PM
Maybe you should follow the rules, if we all had a quiet work rather than going to the police the world would be chaos.
#5 - Alan replied on the 11/08/2015 6:25:19 PM
They can enforce it as it's the parking spaces that are private land not the road or access points.
#4 - djd7481 replied on the 11/08/2015 6:24:23 PM
Pretty sure you are correct re private land but I may still be susceptible to a fine.
I actually did a bit of digging online and after Googling
"Hillfoot No Entry" there's a website called Fixmystreet which has a bank of photos of cars going up the wrong way. If you scroll down to the bottom of the site it seems I'm not the only one who is being monitored by this person!
Hillfoot Street is watching you!!
#3 - Anon replied on the 11/08/2015 12:58:26 PM
I know you are annoyed and they should have had a word with you or put a note on your car but at the end of the day you are breaking the law. I am a new driver and notice so many people who drive do not stick to the rules then sometimes you end up getting dogs abuse because you have!! There's rules for a reason.
#2 - p replied on the 11/08/2015 10:26:43 AM
I live lower down on Hillfoot Street, been here six years, I'd say from observation that most of the residents of the Hillfoot Street village are doing this, probably increasingly.
#1 - The Mentalist replied on the 11/08/2015 10:24:46 AM
Is that car park not "private land" therefore they are unable to enforce? Some people have too much time on their hands.
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