Kennyhill Square
The Mentalist posted on the 17/08/2015 10:56:38 AM
Came across plans on the internet for new flats to be built on the site of what is Peter McEachran House. Anyone heard anything about this?
- 27 Replies :
#1 - Alan replied on the 17/08/2015 8:27:45 PM
Can you post the link? Or what search term you used?
#2 - The Mentalist replied on the 18/08/2015 12:34:44 AM
It's on the Grant-Murray site
#3 - James replied on the 18/08/2015 9:45:06 AM
I had a look at the Grant Murray site and this looks really interesting. The brief mentions encouraging bike use and outdoor space for each flat. A general improvement over the usual type of flat thrown up in Dennistoun by developers.
#4 - Anon replied on the 18/08/2015 12:14:39 PM
Had a quick look and does that mean the old folks home is closing down?
#5 - James replied on the 29/11/2015 12:17:05 PM
Has anyone heard anything more about this?
#6 - lucy replied on the 30/11/2015 12:07:28 AM
I heard a while ago that they would be closing down the old folks home, then knocking it down to build luxury flats for the rich.
I feel sorry for the old folk because at least they had a great view of the park from their rooms in their final few years, I guess people with lots of money are more important than old people
#7 - James replied on the 30/11/2015 12:26:14 PM
It is always hard to manage the provision of care for older people and to provide the kind of resources needed. The government and local authorities are responding to the balance of care agenda which is about trying to make sure that a a many people as possible can spend their days living in their own home and remaining there even when they they need a lot of support. One of the things that can get in the way of this is the provision of lots of residential and nursing homes, which then require the Local authority to put their resources in that direction. As result, more money than is ideal goes on the funding of the kind of care most of us do not want - homes for older people. I appreciate what you are saying Lucy and do not disagree that it is hard for older people who may have to move, but as someone who thinks about their older adulthood, I do not want ever to think about going into a home, but for as long as they exist, that is what my council will offer me. It is also worth looking at the website for the proposed flats which offer lifts and wheelchair access for some. This is a contrast to the typical builds and including tenements when stairs can become a real barrier to remaining independent. We need to encourage responsible developments that are proposed too.
#8 - The Mentalist replied on the 1/12/2015 2:18:37 AM
Nursing and care homes are essential for older frail people. Social care is all well and good but GCC are cutting to the bone. Shutting the home for private financial gain is reprehensible
#9 - James replied on the 1/12/2015 8:44:13 AM
Mentalist - the city council have to deliver care for older people in a way that works for people and this increasingly is not by maintaining buildings or warehousing for people. Older people like everyone else want to live in their own homes for as long as possible and with responsive and individually tailored support to help them do so. For as long as money is pumped into the maintenance of so many homes, this drains the opportunities for buildings capacity for care at home. In contrast to what you claim, the council is now providing care through the night, end of life care at home, telecare technological responses amongst a number of services. As I said, I do not disagree that it is hard when a care home closes, and I have no idea if this particular home is closing, but it is unlikely to be for financial gain. Have a look at the balance of care agenda on scot gov website. If you have ever been to visit an older relative in a care home, you might be less keen on them!
#10 - The Mentalist replied on the 1/12/2015 5:38:23 PM
They may want to live at home but it's not always possible or practical. The spin now put out by the NHS and GCC is appalling.
#11 - Alex replied on the 8/02/2016 2:47:13 PM
I see there is some metal fencing up now at the end of Kennyhill Square - is this work beginning already, or is it just something else?
#12 - Lexy replied on the 12/02/2016 1:38:26 AM
No the metal fencing is just there because the fence blew down in the storms!
#13 - Alan replied on the 12/02/2016 8:28:43 AM
Society is getting older how to cope ? one answer is immigration . but that has cultural problems ...
#14 - Alex replied on the 14/02/2016 11:45:28 PM
Ah, ok, thanks Lexy. Thought it seemed a bit soon.
#15 - The Mentalist replied on the 15/02/2016 9:24:12 PM
Oh Alan, I think it's a bit tough asking old people to emigrate.....
#16 - Lexy replied on the 2/07/2017 10:03:26 AM
That's the home now closed- providing an empty building for the first day of the school holidays. Police have already been round to kids in the building about four times....
#17 - CV3V replied on the 2/07/2017 11:59:52 AM
There is no planning application for a development on the site on council website. So if something is planned then its still to go through planning, at which point people can object if they want.
It would be bad PR to put in an application while residents are still living there. So maybe an application is due soon.
#18 - Jacq replied on the 2/07/2017 2:46:39 PM
The place is now closed and boarded up - happened Thurs this week. I saw plans online about a year ago but not sure where they could be found now but locally the general consensus is that flats are planned
#19 - The Mentalist replied on the 2/07/2017 9:14:16 PM
More flats, more traffic, encroachment on the park to build "luxury" accommodation. There will be no park left soon.
#20 - Lexy replied on the 2/07/2017 9:59:58 PM
I live in Kennyhill Square. We currently have no idea what plans are for the home, although the flats plan has been floating around for some time. I also hear this week a homeless hostel was suggested. I think both proposals would be met with extremely strong opposition from the neighbours in the square. The street is already congested with traffic and used by others to park off the main road, and additional parking is used in the home car park. The home has been closed with perfect timing for the first day of the school holidays- and the police have already been out a number of times to young people for whom it's a brilliant playground. I urge local residents to not tolerate this as it is hugely unsafe and will be extremely dangerous especially if set on fire //.
#21 - Alan replied on the 4/07/2017 12:04:10 AM
I was under the impression that those flats were privately owned ?
#22 - alexw replied on the 20/02/2018 2:31:13 PM
There was some sign of activity at the site for the first time this morning that I've noticed. The barrier had been closed across the end of the Kennyhill Sq (thankfully not locked as there are still cars parked back there) and I noticed some Safedem workers in high-vis and hard hats, as well as a couple of folks in suits with laminates (from the council or whoever owns the building perhaps?). I didn't get a chance to ask anyone if there were any updates. Does anyone know more?
#23 - Jaxster replied on the 22/02/2018 12:01:40 AM
The site is being demolished by City Property and will be cleared. Milnbank Housing have plans to build social housing on the site and will be drawing up plans and putting in applications following the demolition.
The demolition should have started last month but was delayed but the site should be cleared by the end of February
There was some suggestion that St Rollox Bowling Club would want to relocate to this site but there have been no talks so far.
Be good to see something positive on the site
#24 - alexw replied on the 22/02/2018 12:49:56 PM
Thanks Jaxster. Are Milnbank's new social housing plans different from the eco-friendly flats which were sketched up on the Grant Murray website then?
#25 - Lexy replied on the 27/02/2018 9:15:10 AM
No communication with neighbours in Kennyhill Square about any development of the site, relocation of the bowling club. The demolition is causing huge issues for the residents in terms of both parking and access. The closure of the home and therefore absence of a turning circle mean cars cannot turn if they drive down the street, which is now inevitably jam packed as the spaces that were used by residents in the home are no longer available, and neighbours from Cumbernauld Road without parking use the street for their cars. It is only a matter of time before their is a serious RTA as people are reversing down street and back onto Cumbernauld Road, in between vehicles and pedestrians using the chip shop at the end of the street. This matter must be addressed and I urge all neighbours in Kennyhill Square to report the issue to City Property- happy to provide number. This must be addressed before new flats are considered as it’s hugely dangerous and inconvenient.
#26 - alexw replied on the 27/02/2018 3:17:26 PM
I totally agree Lexy. I live directly opposite on Cumbernauld Rd, so usually left my car there, but it's pretty dangerous and a real pain at the moment without any turning circle. Visibility was always poor enough with people stopped for the takeaway etc, let alone if trying to reverse out between parked cars onto the busy road as is the case now.
#27 - Boo replied on the 28/02/2018 7:43:15 AM
How about opening up the playing fields at the school. This could be used for access. Or common sense could prevail and the land could return to nature. How many flats does an already overcrowded area need?
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