Chris Leslie talk
Dennistoun Photographers posted on the 21/08/2015 12:38:36 PM
Chris Leslie is giving a talk at the Dennistoun Photographers studio on Tuesday the 1st of September for anyone that's interested. Check our Facebook page for more information on the event.
Join us as we welcome back Chris Leslie to the studio to talk about the project "Nothing is Lost"
Chris (Photography) along with Alison Irvine (Words) and Mitch Miller (Dialectograms) set out to document the East End before, during and after the Commonwealth Games.
Three artists, three artforms, one city, a shared sensibility.
The story takes us from the glamour of the Barrowland Ballroom to the hidden communities caught in the crossfire of major regeneration. It taps into the hopes, fears and dreams of East End youth and the fading memory of demolished districts and East End entrepreneurs.
On the night there will be the opportunity to purchase one of the limited edition box sets of 3 books and 2 fold out dialectograms that accompany the project. There are only 500 of these worldwide so get one before they sell out.
Box sets available for £9.99.
- 2 Replies :
#2 - Dennistoun Photographers replied on the 26/08/2015 11:25:33 AM
Were based at Green City Studios on Fleming Street it's facing the bread factory entrance. We're on the second floor and it's on Tuesday from 7-9. If you search for Dennistoun Photographers on Facebook you can find out info and make contact there.
#1 - anon replied on the 24/08/2015 4:34:42 PM
I'm interested in coming, where is this studio
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