Stolen Bike
Lisa posted on the 29/09/2015 10:27:15 AM
Be aware bike thief in area again!
White hybrid specialized bike with disc breaks, black mud guards, black back rack, bar ends and 2 purple water bottle holders.
Last seen sept 28th duke street flat building near greggs. Lock was cut off!
Please contact mob 07517452880 or local police if you see this bike or hear about anyone trying to sell one!!
- 2 Replies :
#2 - ANON replied on the 30/09/2015 9:32:34 AM
That's not good, have you tried gumtree etc?
#1 - Anon replied on the 29/09/2015 11:44:16 PM
Hearing a lot of things been stolen and burglaries lately in dennistoun .something has to be done
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