Gardening/Bathroom fitting

Sarah McCrory posted on the 28/10/2015 11:12:48 AM

Hi there, two things!

Firstly, any suggestions for a gardener to turn my scrubby Onslow front garden into something presentable and low maintenance, and to plant shrubs etc (currently just a fence so quite exposed).

Secondly, I need a bath fitting and some tiling doing. Ideally for quite cheap! Any ideas?

Thank you!

#1 - curiouscat replied on the 29/10/2015 4:03:34 PM

Hi Sarah,

I'm not a gardener to trade but love gardening so am happy to come and help if you'd like?

It doesn't take much to make a wee front garden quite lovely.

Let me know.

#2 - Alan replied on the 29/10/2015 11:21:03 PM

Love this. I am so happy to hear we still have a community happy to help each other :-).

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