Chrissy Ross posted on the 2/11/2015 3:53:49 AM
Hi folks,
Just a quick message to let you all know about the entertainment on offer in the area.
Every Monday night in the function suite of The Duke Bar, there is a new material comedy night. It's free entry, free sandwiches, a free raffle (wine and chocolates for prizes) and you get a professional headliner every week. The past few weeks there has been lovely crowds and seeing as it's free, everyone over 18 is welcome.
There is also a monthly professional night on at the Craigpark Masters. This month we have the winner of "Best writer award" at the Scottish comedy awards, Keir McAllister. Tickets are £10 and can be bought at the venue.
I'm from Dennistoun, born and raised. I am also raising my son here as well. I take a great deal of pride in the area and I am hoping hosting these events is something we can all take part in or at least some pride in.
The new material night will always be free entry and the professional night ticket price will be capped at £10 unless inflation goes nuts. Trying to offer everyone affordable light entertainment to enjoy.
We have been flyering in the area and just to reassure anyone concerned at this, we won't be seeking entry to any closes etc and any flyers left in the residential area will be cleared after the first gig this coming weekend.
So hopefully see some of you at the comedy nights. If you want information you can go to or alternatively look up our facebook page under laldy comedy.
Sorry for the long post. I won't spam the forum and i'll make this my last comedy related post.
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