Church bells
Ken posted on the 15/11/2015 11:35:16 AM
Hello I haven't heard the Sunday church bells for a few weeks now. Used to be at 10.45 for years. Anyone know why they've stopped?
- 7 Replies :
#7 - Ruth replied on the 11/01/2016 12:09:05 AM
seems they're trying to get it fixed, but are awaiting costs, reports and prices are in dispute with a contractor who didn't renew meshing. any offers of help gratefully received apparently
#6 - Ken replied on the 5/01/2016 1:38:00 PM
Still nothing all these weeks later! I guess that's that.
#5 - anon replied on the 20/11/2015 2:47:57 PM
15 minutes of bell ringing was a tad excessive! Now I can sleep properly before work. Unfortunately not a day of rest for everyone.
#4 - Big Chez replied on the 17/11/2015 11:20:39 AM
I don't actually live in Dennistoun, but I visit the area on a regular basis due to many friends residing there and I often spend my full weekend in their homes. The church bells are a glorious noise to welcome in a Sunday; the holy day of rest. God bless.
#3 - Mega Line replied on the 17/11/2015 9:48:36 AM
These bells used to really help me get up for my morning yoga! It was beautiful to welcome in the day. So serene. I hope they make a welcome return soon.
#2 - Lise replied on the 16/11/2015 6:41:48 PM
I miss the bells as well.29 yrs in this lovely community.It's a special place to live.The bells made it even more so.Hope that they make a return.
#1 - wee nibs replied on the 16/11/2015 3:48:24 PM
Oh I have noticed this too! Such a shame, hope everything is ok.
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