grannyg posted on the 30/11/2015 12:08:34 AM
I have seen notice of improvements at Ally park with railings taken down etc. I trust they have been taken away for restoration. However where is our cherub? Taken away at least two years away for updating but now even plinth has been taken away. Where is our cherub and where is it coming back?
- 3 Replies :
#1 - anon replied on the 30/11/2015 12:28:27 PM
I guess when you say cherub you mean the drinking fountain that was outside the main gates of the park, there was a notice up about it over a year ago that it had been taken away for extensive renovation and would be returned in due course, I guess that they wanted to renovate the plinth before re-attaching the angel thing, of course it cant be used as a drinking fountain any more due to people/animals peeing in the water
#2 - stevie replied on the 30/11/2015 12:31:27 PM
Hi Granny G , The last i noted it had been sandblasted and used as a guide for the manufacture of the cherubs on large fountain in Kelvingrove Park at the Park Circus end . This was completed over a year ago . So our wee cherubs missing in action but his offspring are doing well . Would be nice to see the wee water fountain with its little bowls for dogs all working and back in situ .
#3 - Chris replied on the 9/12/2015 6:40:38 PM
Hey, the newly established Friends of Alexandra Park group is a good place for updates regarding the park...
If you google 'Friends of Alexandra Park', you should be able to find their facebook page. I tried posting the link but didn't work.//
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