Women attacked in Dennistoun
Jax posted on the 11/03/2016 9:13:09 AM
I am surprised this has not been mentioned here already but there have been 2 women in recent weeks robbed at knifepoint on the drives. One in Onlsow Drive in late Feb and one on Westercraigs on 1st March.
The second one Sarah-May Philo has started a petition to hand to GCC to ask for improved lighting and CCTV in the area.
While I agree that would help it would seem we have a slightly bigger problem. Both times the victim was followed by a car with its lights off and neither attack was particularly late at night.
Just wanted to bring people's attention to this and to perhaps come together as a community to be extra vigilant.
The petition is on change dot org under glasgow city council light up glasgow as I am sure it is a problem in other areas of the city too.
- 16 Replies :
#1 - anon replied on the 11/03/2016 9:34:22 AM
this is so scary! I hope something is done, I have always felt safe in dennistoun even at 11/12 when I have to take my dog out. but will be being more vigilant now!
#2 - ccb replied on the 11/03/2016 11:16:40 AM
Petition at the below address, nearly 500 supporters already.
#3 - Jax replied on the 11/03/2016 12:31:33 PM
thanks wouldn't let me post the link - I'm not sure cctv is the way to go but lighting that lets you feel safe is a must. I now live off the Parade but was in the drives for years and always felt safe - would be sad for that to change.
#4 - Malarki replied on the 11/03/2016 2:40:19 PM
Lighting improvements a good idea. People also need to report faults with lights via GCC website. However, I'd just start taking registration numbers of any dodgy vehicles I'd and reporting them to the police - chances are it's just one person rather than a wider problem and other's experience confirm that, so no need for intrusive and costly CCTV
#5 - Anon replied on the 11/03/2016 7:32:27 PM
I am forever reporting lights out to GCC but they have a "3 week turnaround" for fixing them! Report, report and report again until Dennistoun is lit up like a Christmas tree.
Petition signed.
Have noticed more police in the area recently, guess this'll be why.
#6 - Ian replied on the 11/03/2016 7:34:31 PM
Yeah, I noticed a car full of youths follow me on the Drives a few weeks ago in a car with no-lights. Lucky I live nearby. If I didn't, I'd prob been the next victim.
#7 - anon_l replied on the 11/03/2016 9:47:51 PM
As a female thats really frightening. I'd have no chance of protecting myself. Off to sign the petition. Hope the ladies are OK.
#8 - Murph replied on the 15/03/2016 9:58:43 PM
Hi all. This is very concerning. I reported a street lighting fault on Onslow Drive to GGC in November, and as of mid-Feb the status on their online system was still 'open' and nothing had been done. I eventually had to phone them to ask that it be dealt with. Quite ridiculous really. Given the above, I'll be making a complaint. Stay safe all.
#9 - Anon replied on the 16/03/2016 9:51:20 AM
They state that they have 3 weeks to fix lighting faults - 3 months is an outrage!
#10 - Doll replied on the 16/03/2016 10:00:59 AM
I have lived in Dennistoun for the past ten years and have never felt unsafe no matter what time of the day or night. However yesterday I was walking home at 6.15pm, it was still light, lots of people about and because of these incidents I felt unsafe - very sad it has come to this!
#11 - Anon Female 31 replied on the 29/03/2016 10:29:23 AM
Actually I think I was a potential 3rd victim too. I've just googled to see if any incidents but a month ago the night after the first incident but before the second I was tailed and followed by a man in a car. He spotted me first on Alexandra parade coming out of the BP garage just after 11pm, followed me down Craigpark 2 mins later really slowly and then turned at Oakley street to come back up towards me so I hid up an alleyway as I knew something wasn't right. He went past really slowly looking for me but I'd disappeared. I didn't see him but has all the characteristics of the same man. I thought perhaps I was overreacting and the next day when I looked online nothing had been reported so I'm pretty shocked now.
Anything we can do for better lighting or making the area safer I'm all for.
#12 - Alan replied on the 29/03/2016 1:03:46 PM
What kind of car? Colour?
#13 - The Mentalist replied on the 8/04/2016 10:01:43 PM
A woman was raped in a white van in Firpark St on Wednesday afternoon about 4.30 pm according to the BBC.
#14 - anon_l replied on the 8/04/2016 10:21:03 PM
Just read about this on the BBC website. Although they're reporting a black transit and that she got in voluntarily. Not that that excuses anything but people need to have their site about them.
#15 - Malarki replied on the 9/04/2016 3:08:58 AM
#16 - anon replied on the 9/04/2016 10:32:33 AM
Careful mentalist with story as reported as a black transit not white sorry
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