Whitehill place, Finlay Dr/Dennistoun Village
Resident Dennistoun Village posted on the 20/11/2016 10:51:16 PM
The parking spaces in Whitehill Place and Finlay Dr belongs only and strictly to Dennistoun Village RESIDENTS ONLY.
If you have bought a property outside the Village , find a parking space outside the area, don't take my space , because it's not right that with kids I need to walk a long distance, just because you think it's ok to park in a private property!
Action will be taken!
- 49 Replies :
#1 - Alan replied on the 20/11/2016 11:06:43 PM
Finlay drive is fair game for parking along the entire length of it.
#2 - The Mentalist replied on the 21/11/2016 3:34:32 AM
Rather aggressive post OP. Get your factor to put up a barrier.
#3 - Anon replied on the 21/11/2016 11:32:05 AM
Totally agree Resident. Clear signs up saying Private parking but is completely ignored. Those who wish to park in the village should purchase a property.
Mentalist - owners shouldn't have to pay to put a barrier up at the entrance to Whitehill Place/Court. There are clear signs saying it is private parking and the entrance isn't conducive to putting a barrier up anyway.
My gripe is those who park both sides of the road at the entrance. It is impossible to see a car coming down towards you when you are trying to drive in as the parked cars block your view. Everything past the double yellow lines is private - not just the parking spaces but the road and pavements too. Not maintained by the Council but by the owners. Cars from outwith continually parking on the pavement is damaging it and those doing the pavement parking are not those who have to pay for the repairs.
Emergency services have to have a clear pathway to gain access to the complex. I have seen the fire service put notices on cars asking them not to park on the entrance as it makes it difficult for them to gain entry but again, selfishly ignored.
There is a taxi business that use the pavements for parking and one particular people carrier parks so far onto the pavement that you have to squeeze past it to walk down the road. Goodness knows how those with prams manage or the poor guy who is blind.
#4 - anon replied on the 21/11/2016 11:32:49 AM
What differentiates Finlay Dr from any of the other streets?
#5 - Dennistonian replied on the 21/11/2016 1:41:03 PM
I live in Whitehilll Court and agree re parking. I don't want a barrier put up I just want people to respect that there is private parking. I have seen my kids and I walk on the street as some of the cars are parked way up. Next time I see the taxis parked up I'm going to call their office and complain especially the one with the people carrier. My worry is if someone ever needs the emergency services but would serve car owners right if they got damaged. I don't mean to sound mean but it would be their own fault.
#6 - anon replied on the 21/11/2016 3:50:33 PM
parking is getting worse all over the drives, the amount of people who park on double yellows is a joke. suspect a lot of folk who work in duke st etc park there. yes the fire engines would have to ram cars if there was a fire.
celtic games also cause an issue x
#7 - Resident replied on the 21/11/2016 6:03:50 PM
My post it's not aggressive at all!
Whitch word you find aggressive ???
Why I should pay for barriers , when it's actually others not to park in private property?
I will phone up the taxi company too in the morning!
The parking spaces are always full, and 50% aren't residents!
And I have 2 kids!
Some others have bough cars Whitch they wish to keep it safe in our PRIVATE property!
Must of them now not even tring to find spaces in the street , they come straight in!
#8 - anon replied on the 21/11/2016 8:43:31 PM
I think "Action will be taken" is definitely a threat, ergo aggressive.Perhaps with good reason.
#9 - john replied on the 21/11/2016 9:36:13 PM
"Action will be taken"
I don't know what you mean by action, the police won’t take anything to do with it as parking on private land isn't a police matter, its a civil matter.
All you could do is take the offending car owners to a civil court, and prove that him parking in your spot caused you a loss (of money).
Unfortunately - you and your kids having to use your legs and walk doesn't constitute a loss of money.
#10 - Dennistonnian replied on the 21/11/2016 10:48:19 PM
I took to placing notes on peoples cars (politelly of course) when they used to park up on the grass to inform them that we paid maintenance and they were ruining the grass. This stopped the culprits from doing it again. A bit of shaming seemed to work.
#11 - Doll replied on the 22/11/2016 11:19:30 AM
I quite agree and while we are discussing it, the garden area is a private garden, not a dogs toilet! Disgusting the amount of dog owners who walk straight in, let their dog toilet and walk back out without picking it up!
#12 - anon replied on the 22/11/2016 11:20:41 AM
The problem here is how do you figure out who is allowed to park and who is not. If you storm up and start shouting at someone who parks how do you know that they are not: a resident you have not met, a friend visiting a resident, a person servicing an apartment etc. It is quite a gray area. So i'd be careful whom you try to "take action" with because there are lots of people allowed to park there.
#13 - stephanie smuggit replied on the 22/11/2016 4:38:46 PM
john, maybe appreciate that not everyone has the ability to 'use their legs and walk'
#14 - Jules replied on the 22/11/2016 11:13:37 PM
Unfortunately we have a similar problem with our private car park, people just don't pay any attention to our private parking signs either. We frequently have several spaces taken up by untaxed vehicles dumped by a local garage for months on end, residents in the neighbouring flats parking in our spaces when they can't get parked right outside their close door and parents using our car park as a drop off/pick up area for the schools.
As the car park is private land there's not much we can do. I've asked our factor to pull together some quotes for getting a barrier or gate installed but it's frustrating that the only solution is going to cost us money.
#15 - Anon2 replied on the 23/11/2016 10:31:56 AM
Anon - it isn't a grey area at all and is fairly easy to figure out who is legitimately parking and who is not - you simply ask them! I have done it on more than one occasion to people parking on the pavements and all admitted they live on Whitehill St and not in the village. None of us are against people visiting friends parking here, people doing deliveries, maintenance work etc. However, if you live here and see the same vehicles time and time again park where they shouldn't and watch their owners walk into their propertes outwith the village, then it's a no brainer that when you ask them if they live here even if they say yes, you can prove they don't. I don't think any of us here are just going to go up to someone and start shouting at them for simply parking!
#16 - anon replied on the 23/11/2016 10:54:47 AM
what is the village? i thought all the drives were just know as the drives?
#17 - Residents replied on the 23/11/2016 12:26:25 PM
I can state here at least 8 vehicles registration that regularly parks in our private property!
we know who they are, and to some of them I have already asked politely not to do it.
Ignored, so don't call me aggressive!
#18 - anon replied on the 23/11/2016 8:47:05 PM
"So don't call me aggressive!" The exclamation mark along with the order do indicate that you are being aggressive. If you don't want to be seen as such then you'll need to modify the way you're writing. Like you, I'd be livid, but you won't engender sympathy/empathy if you write as if you are shouting.
#19 - Malarki replied on the 23/11/2016 10:47:32 PM
Here's a possible solution: flashpark.co.uk/parking-enforcement/
#20 - Anon2 replied on the 24/11/2016 8:40:30 AM
Anon - The village are the properties within Dennistoun Village (the new builds as a lot of people refer them to). All the parking spaces beside these properties including the road leading into and around whitehill place/court and car parks in front of and under the Finlay Drive and hillfoot street properties are private and belong to the flat owners of the Village. The Drives are public roads.
'Other'Anon - I don't think 'Residents' is being deliberately aggressive by use of the exclamation mark in what they have written. We may not all have your high standards of writing etiquette, but no need to go on when they have given you a perfectly acceptable explanation and example of non aggression in the way they have approached people parking where they shouldn't.
The issue we are discussing is parking not grammatical etiquette.......
#21 - The Mentalist replied on the 24/11/2016 12:52:13 PM
If it is private property then get a barrier and a key fob to gain access. In an area like Dennistoun with large places of work and near town, parking is always going to be an issue. A barrier is the only way to resolve it.
#22 - anon replied on the 24/11/2016 2:01:41 PM
Agree with The Mentalist. Just putting up signs saying private isn't going to stop anyone. What is the punishment for violating the signs? What "action!" can anyone realistically take?
Barrier or live with it are the only two options
#23 - resident replied on the 29/11/2016 2:08:19 AM
I'd recommend that people take a look at the map linked to on the right hand side of this Glasgow City Council page: glasgow.gov.uk/index.aspx?articleid=17556 (Search the map for Whitehill Place to see the area being discussed.)
That map tells you what roads the Council does and doesn't maintain. If a road isn't on the List of Public Roads, it's classed as private and the council doesn't have a responsibility to maintain it. So the owners are responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the road and (as per their land certificate/title deeds) the owners can pretty much call the shots as to who has access to it.
So, barriers definitely are an option. But not necessarily the best one. Although, as it happens, in the original designs, a barrier was planned for on Whitehill Place (at the point where it splits about 80 metres west from Whitehill Street, carrying on west as Whitehill Place and splitting off north to become Whitehill Court). I think there was a barrier planned at the entrance to the private parking area to the north of Finlay Drive, too.
I couldn't confirm why the barriers were never put in place, but reasons may well include emergency vehicle access issues. Or ongoing maintenance concerns - the barrier to the private car park off Onslow Drive just east of Armadale Street hasn't lasted the test of time. Or, maybe it was simply a judgement made based on societal issues - simply putting up gates and barriers and partitioning off mini-communities is not condusive to balanced and inclusive neighbourhoods.
So, if not barriers, what else?
Well, as I see it, there are basically three options:
1. Put up with things as they are.
2. Have some form of private residents parking permits in place within this specific location. This would require the factor to be willing to respond positively to a request to initiate a permit scheme of some sort, and for the owners to collectively consent to that plan.
3. Alternatively, though the road(s) may not be owned or maintained by the Council, it may be deemed appropriate for the Council Traffic team to put in additional parking restrictions in place (e.g extended double yellow lines), preventing parking where it's not appropriate, or to maintain access. This will inevitably have a limited impact, though, due to the need for enforcement as a follow-up to any measures being put in place. And, for better or worse, this sort of thing goes on all over the city due to the density of where we live.
(I live in the 'Dennistoun Village' flats and used to have a car and always managed to park it without any hassles. I no longer have the car, so I'm somewhat neutral on the issue, but I've always been highly vexed by people who selfishly plonk their vehicle onto the pavement.)
#24 - Alan replied on the 29/11/2016 10:41:57 AM
One of the major things that needs to stop is the residents going the wrong way down the one way street at Finlay Drive . I am sick fed up of having to stop cause someone doesnt want to follow the rules. I have a dash cam and I am going to start reporting these drivers to the police.
#25 - Dennistonian replied on the 29/11/2016 12:57:29 PM
Changing the subject slightly. I had a fight with the GCC Cleansing Department a few years ago re street cleaning. Eventually a street cleaning vehicle was sent out so surely they would only do that if the road had been 'adopted'.
#26 - Big Wullie replied on the 29/11/2016 1:56:26 PM
Would permit parking help, no permit you get towed.
#27 - Anon2 replied on the 29/11/2016 2:10:53 PM
Resident - thanks for the info. The Whitehill Place/Court road was never adopted // there were one or two unresolved issues with the road hence the reason the council wouldn't adopt it. The factors tried a number of years ago to have it adopted but to no avail. I spoke to them fairly recently about looking to see if we could approach the subject again with the council as it impacts owners in others ways too, not just parking. Hopefully we can get this in motion early in the new year. My thoughts then would be to go along the double yellow lines route or alternatively bollards along the edge of the pavement to stop pavement parking. The latter we could do without the road being adopted, just a matter of cost.
Alan re driving the wrong way down that section of one-way road. Drives me nuts too! I normally stop in the road so they can't pass and remind them they are breaking the law but see the same cars doing it time and time again. It's not just other cars but pedestrians they are endangering. Have thought about taking photos and reporting them. Just pure laziness to save them the 30 secs it would take to drive round the right way.
#28 - Dennistonnian replied on the 29/11/2016 9:45:35 PM
I'd be up for the double yellow line route at the very entrance to stop people parking up on the kerb. Just give me a shout if you ever want anything signed. Well done Anon2 to checking this all out.
#29 - Lal replied on the 30/11/2016 12:01:56 PM
Try living on Reidvale Street where the world parks to get the train into town on private property!
#30 - local replied on the 3/12/2016 11:05:09 AM
no parking places were allocated to me when i lived here.i didnt own the road,just the house.
#31 - resident replied on the 3/12/2016 7:03:58 PM
Anon2 - I'm aware of what you've noted and agree with it all.
All - Yep - we're in a similar position but I imagine you've got it even worse with being so close to the station.
local - By "here", where do you mean? The parking at Dennistoun Village (Whitehill Court, Whitehill Place, and the areas off of Finlay Drive between Whitehill Street and the Roselea Drive/Hillfoot Street corner) is not allocated, but it is collectively private, with signage identifying it as such.
#32 - local replied on the 4/12/2016 12:46:27 PM
resident- i lived in whitehill court for 2 years,there was never any signage saying private parking for residents only when i was here.
#33 - Anon2 replied on the 4/12/2016 11:39:39 PM
Local - owners asked for the signs to be erected about 3 or 4 years ago to let everyone outside of the village know it was private, and in the hope of stopping those from outside the village using our property/spaces. Whether signs were up when you were there or not doesnt really matter because if you were an owner then you would have known from your title deeds that it is unallocated parking, and as previously mentioned that the roads and parking spaces collectively belong to the village property owners, ie by purchasing a property you also purchase an equal share of the roads and parking, but in turn are also equally liable for any repairs to the road/parking spaces should they be required.
#34 - The Mentalist replied on the 5/12/2016 4:02:37 AM
Hey, why not become a gated community. That'll keep the riff raff out and keep your private road private.
#35 - Dennistonnian replied on the 5/12/2016 11:23:02 PM
// It's not about keeping the riff raff out. My problem is people who I presume don't live there parking on the pavement at the entrance. There are plenty of parking spaces but people (who either live there or don't) park on the pavement thus my kids and I are walking on the street to get passed which endangers them. Also my worry is fire engines trying to get through. I know they will knock any cars out of the way but this may cause a delay. I would like to see double yellow lines at the entrance.
#36 - resident replied on the 24/12/2016 10:02:17 PM
The council Roads Traffic team will be able to respond to a request for yellow lines at the entrance.
#37 - The Mentalist replied on the 25/12/2016 12:05:19 AM
Meters are coming to Craig park in the new year.
#38 - Malarki replied on the 27/12/2016 1:40:28 PM
Firpark Court has a gate controlling access and that seems to work for the residents there.
#39 - Dennistoun Villager replied on the 17/01/2017 3:39:59 PM
We have started a residents Facebook group just for Dennistoun Village, this may be a good topic to be shared on there! Just search for 'Dennistoun Village' on Facebook.
#40 - Dennistonian replied on the 23/02/2017 2:47:27 PM
I contacted the Council re parking on pavements/yellow lines and this reply was sent on behalf of the Roads and Lighting Manager:
I can advise that Whitehill Place and Whitehill Court are not adopted by the Council and therefore any maintenance issues remains with the developer.
With regards to vehicles parking on the pavement I can confirm that parking on the pavement is not an offence. However, it is an offence if an actual obstruction is caused, including blocking the passage for emergency vehicles. This offence is only enforced by Police Scotland and the following is an extract from a letter from their Road Policing Unit regarding parking on the pavement. Please note that the correct legal term for a pavement is a road which comprises a footway and carriageway:
· In respect of vehicles “parking on the footway” this can be dealt with as an obstruction under the Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986.
· Section 103 states “no person in charge of a motor vehicle or trailer shall cause or permit the vehicle to stand on a road so as to cause any unnecessary obstruction of the road.”
· The Obstruction must be an “actual” obstruction, not just the potential for an obstruction to take place and there must be a specific complaint made to the police and the obstruction must be unnecessary.
Furthermore I can also advise that to introduce Double yellow line road markings, Glasgow City Council has to successfully promote a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO), which allows the road markings to be enforceable. The Local Authorities’ Traffic Orders (Procedure) (Scotland) Regulations 1999 prescribes the formal legal process that allows the making of a TRO. This involves initial consultation with the emergency services, and certain road user groups like the Freight Transport Association. The local elected Members are also consulted at this early stage. The wider community is included in the second stage consultation, where the proposal is advertised in a local newspaper, and is open to objections. For this reason such restrictions would require the support of the local residents.
It should be noted that the full process can take between 9 and 12 months to complete and requires significant staff resources. In view of this, it is more efficient to include isolated proposals as part of a wider area traffic management plan. Unfortunately there are no proposals scheduled within this area at this time.
#41 - resident at dennistoun village replied on the 5/04/2017 2:57:16 PM
In total agreement with your post! People from the drives(?) selfishly park on the privately owned pavement. I wouldn't have an issue with this but they don't seem to care that they are causing an obstruction to people who actually pay for the upkeep of the private road and make the pavement unusable for people with buggys / wheelchairs etc. A residents group has started and this was discussed so hopefully there will be yellow lines or bollards soon!
#42 - CV3V replied on the 5/04/2017 4:01:51 PM
The roads arent adopted by the council. Therefore the council wont be doing yellow lines, or enforcing them. Need to be private firm.
#43 - resident replied on the 5/04/2017 11:47:45 PM
CV3V, your assertion is incorrect.
The Council can and does introduce yellow lining on private roads that are not adopted. My understanding is that this is generally to preserve the right of passage that exists.
As I said up the page "though the road(s) may not be owned or maintained by the Council, it may be deemed appropriate for the Council Traffic team to put in additional parking restrictions in place (e.g extended double yellow lines), preventing parking where it's not appropriate, or to maintain access."
This is in accordance with the response Dennistounian received from the Roads and Lighting Manager - "...to introduce Double yellow line road markings, Glasgow City Council has to successfully promote a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO), which allows the road markings to be enforceable..." ...and the Council will apparently not be adding or extending yellow lines for the forseeable future as a result of a judgement based on need balanced with resources (and not due to the road not being adopted).
Basically, the Scots law of trespass states that 'you can walk across my land but you can't stop and use it'.
Generally speaking, you are free to put up an advisory 'private road' sign, but everybody has a right of passage. That said, only the owner has a right of use.
An example of yellow lines installed and maintained by the council on a private road is Glasgow Harbour Terraces, west of Castlebank Place. Other examples exist throughout the city.
#44 - CV3V replied on the 6/04/2017 5:29:06 PM
Resident - thanks for update, useful info to know.
#45 - anon replied on the 10/04/2017 2:08:42 PM
CV3V, sorry I should have said the group are in the process of looking to get the road adopted or have bollards installed
#46 - CV3V replied on the 10/04/2017 3:29:46 PM
I stayed in Dennistoun Village in 2006, i remember when i was checking the place out it was advertised as a gated community, i always wondered when the gates were going to be installed (in part it would have helped keep the neds out of the stairwells). Back then although some non residents parked in the village it wasn't really an issue - it looks far worse now.
At Hanson Park where residents have allocated spaces, commuters move the traffic cones etc out of the way to pinch residents spaces. Forcing residents to pay for the removable bollards for their space.
#47 - resident replied on the 11/04/2017 1:02:46 AM
CV3V, removable bollards to protect parking spaces are not a likely solution here due to the flats witin Dennistoun Village not having specific parking spaces allocated to them.
(The permanent kerbside bollards on the footway as mentioned by anon are unlikely to be a solution supported by the Council if the road becomes adopted and it becomes liable for maintenance of them, but they may be something that the owners might collectively wish to pay for if, for any reason, road adoption does not take place.)
#48 - CV3V replied on the 11/04/2017 10:31:54 AM
sounds similar to Hanson Park where the road is adopted, lots of double yellows, and the parking bays are still resident only (and not adopted i think). But still have the risk of non residents parking in the bays, it may or may not become worse.
#49 - Malarki replied on the 11/04/2017 11:15:38 AM
I refer to my post of 27/12/16
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