Dangerous dog
MG posted on the 8/08/2017 10:28:00 AM
Last week when walking on the path between Dunchattan Street and Tennents I encountered a dog. It aggressively got its paws on my chest before its owner managed to reign it in.
This morning I encountered the same dog and owner – it again lunged at me, and this time bit me on the elbow.
The owner claimed that his dog didn’t bite me (I’ve got the marks to prove it) and seemed to think it was my fault (!?).
A woman who witnessed the attack implied it wasn’t the first time, and he had problems controlling it.
Has anyone else had a similar recent encounter?
Anyone know who this should be reported to?
With the schools returning next week, I dread to think what could happen if this dog went for younger person.
- 9 Replies :
#1 - James Mc replied on the 8/08/2017 4:54:37 PM
This is the sort of thing that gives the rest of us dog owners a bad name.
Every dog should be under control - if the owner can't control it by voice command, then it should be on a lead - and if necessary, a halti harness or short lead and muzzle.
If it really did bite you and broke the skin, then you might want to contact the police, because that is dangerous. If it was more of a nip, and you were more upset by the dog mouthing you and jumping up at you, then you may be able to get the council to issue a Dog Control Order on the owner.
It may have been a puppy (some of them are huge) and you may have mistaken its intentions (dogs don't usually put paws on your chest if they are attacking) It in no way excuses the owner who should have had it under control, and any strange dog leaping up at you can be frightening no matter what age it is.
Their reaction (denial followed by blaming you) doesn't bode well for their skills at dog handling. How exactly do you "make" a dog jump up at you and anyway?
So, council or police are your options. Sounds like this person needs some education if they want to continue owning dogs.
#2 - Lady Stardust replied on the 8/08/2017 4:55:33 PM
There is a Glasgow City council dog warden, details of which are on Glasgow.gov.uk, but I think that as you have actually been attacked, that you should report this to the police station at London Road. Hope you are okay!
#3 - curiouscat replied on the 8/08/2017 4:56:09 PM
The police would be the ones to deal with this I think. Try 101 for info.
#4 - anon replied on the 8/08/2017 4:56:40 PM
i would report this to the dog warden, maybe glasgow city council. was the dog on a lead, sounds like a very irresponsible owner
#5 - R.P. replied on the 8/08/2017 4:57:21 PM
No question, report the incidents to the police as failing to control your animal is an offence, also may be that this has happened to others and could lead to a prosecution if previous incidents have been reported.
#6 - MG replied on the 9/08/2017 10:42:55 AM
Thanks for comments and advice.
I think it was a frisky young dog rather than fully-grown, but still big. On a leash, but the owner didn't have it under control. More of a nick than a full bite (it helped that I was wearing a jacket) but as I say a young kid on the way to school - it was that sort of time in the morning - might not have been so lucky. I'll contact Council in the first instance and see what they say.
#7 - Concerned replied on the 9/08/2017 10:44:20 AM
Years ago, if you went to the hospital with a dog bite, they'd phone the police for you and you'd be getting interviewed in the hospital. I wonder why that stopped.
#8 - Rezzy replied on the 9/08/2017 4:03:30 PM
call the SSPCA - they need 2 witnesses so you and the other person and they will take details and if they can locate the dog will make a visit and the more it is reported the easier it is for them to have the dog removed if needed.
It is rarely the dogs fault - just bad handling and sometimes people get dogs they don't realise need so much handling.
The SSPCA work closely with the police so they may contact them too if you make a complaint but please do complain as this is the only way to get the problem sorted.
Best of luck
#9 - Malarki replied on the 10/08/2017 9:40:11 AM
From previous experience of trying to get the council to undertake it's duties in relation to control of dogs (not only are owners required to keep their dogs under control, and to clear up any fouling, but any dog in a public place should have a collar on according to the law) it's at best difficult and you might have more luck with the police although my experience is that they are also less than keen to get involved. Better might be the suggestion to go to the SSPCA - previous experience suggests they're more responsive and while they don't have powers themselves (which I think is different to the RSPCA in England) they could at least go round and have words with the owner and perhaps help him better control the dog.
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