Demolition/regeneration Millerston Street

Anon_l posted on the 23/10/2017 11:55:12 PM

Has anything happened with this yet? Moved out the beginning of the year. I suspect I was one of the 1st to go and was just wondering if anything had started yet. I was told it would be starting in around a years time when I 1st enquired about the GHA buying me out.

#3 - Goofy replied on the 21/11/2018 2:53:29 PM

I see digging has started on Millerston street (Big holes in the ground). Anybody know whats happening?

#2 - Anon_l replied on the 1/09/2018 4:22:14 PM

Im presuming thats them starting to build the new flats? Ive not been back since we moved. I might have to go for a nosey.

#1 - Daffy Duck replied on the 29/08/2018 2:13:03 PM

I seen a bit of digging going on,at the top of Millerston street! Anybody know whats happening?

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