Glass in dog park

Nimby1967 posted on the 12/01/2018 10:08:43 PM

It looks like somebody has spread broken glass in the dog park!! my baby's feet have been cut and he now has to go to the vets why would somebody do this???!!!

#1 - Son of Onslow replied on the 12/01/2018 11:37:37 PM

as stated numerous times on the forum this is NOT a dogpark but a communal park for the use of all local residents for many used. Alas monopolized albeit by dog walkers.
That is not to say glass does not need to be removed.

#2 - Anon replied on the 13/01/2018 10:52:55 PM

Regardless of the intended use of the park, having that amount of glass spread about makes it dangerous for all uses.

I managed to collect two handfuls of broken glass from the park after only looking for a few minutes.

Be careful when using the park, child or canine.

#3 - anon1 replied on the 14/01/2018 1:44:17 AM

maybe someone living opposite has had enough of all the noise (dogs barking) and smell (not everyone picks up), when people moved in there they didn't expect all the local dog owners to start using the patch of grass as a dog toilet, I bet they have seen their house prices drop - that's not to say spreading glass is okay, there must be a better way of objecting

#4 - Son of Onslow replied on the 14/01/2018 9:42:10 PM

Personally I have been here twelve years prior to the development of the park , participated in the consultation at City Park, and indeed held partial fue to the gardens along with other properties surrounding the gardens .
I don't have a problem with dog walkers indeed walk my own in Alexandra Park . Just exacberated by this assumption that because it is used for dog exercise that defines it as a dog park ; as stated there is no such thing in Glasgow . And this is a communal area .
House prices are not effected adversely indeed it is considered an asett with nice open views . I would never assume the glass is a direct or deliberate action as many of us have pets and care for the health and safety of what is essentially family . I would suggest this is merely vandalism which is all too prevelent im afraid .

#5 - anon replied on the 15/01/2018 4:10:19 AM

the dog walkers are a selfish lot, they have taken over an area meant for kids, family's and the local community to use, I wouldn't want my kids playing in an area where dogs have been peeing and pooing, even if the poo is picked up it will leave germs behind.

#6 - Marty replied on the 24/01/2018 7:48:18 PM

In addition to glass, a lot of smashed crockery has been strewn around and there's still plenty today, 24th Jan. It's a danger to any users of the park, and criminal.

#7 - anon replied on the 25/01/2018 7:55:07 AM

@Marty - the only criminal thing is dog owners taking over something that was meant to enhance the area for families and the community, it was never meant to be a dog park/dog toilet, maybe this is the only way some of the community can get their objection across. I don't agree with it but I can understand it

#8 - anon replied on the 25/01/2018 9:18:16 AM

Can you provide me we ideas as to how a small muddy patch of grass is in anyway appealing to families and children? What exactly did you have in mind, a lovely picnic in the rain by the overflowing bins?

#9 - marty replied on the 25/01/2018 5:05:57 PM

@anon #7 - it has been reported to the police, who considered it an offence. //

#10 - Annon replied on the 26/01/2018 2:34:01 PM

@ppl of dennistoun who object to dog users using a small area of greenery within dennistoun. Look around you the pavements are littered with couches ,chairs bin bags cigarette butts, overflowing bins . If u want to blame anyone for the state of dennistoun blame yourself. Duke street and the surrounding streets are a mess with your rubbish. If you have anything to say about the rubbish/dog fouling littering the streets, Get yourself to the community council meetings and complain there. Makes me sick that dogs are the blame its unfortunately the people of dennistoun that are to blame.

#11 - CV3V replied on the 26/01/2018 2:52:28 PM

@ #10, it is a fair comment on the state of Dennistoun that we walk past couches etc. in the street without even noticing these days. About once a fortnight i seem to report fly tipping to the council (using the app), but it feels like this just reinforces peoples ideas that the council will magicly appear to remove peoples rubbish. If any such culprit is reading, the council will remove bulk waste for free, no need to be sneaky about it!

#12 - Son of Onslow replied on the 27/01/2018 12:05:16 AM

The garden is for the use of all the local community ; dog walkers and families . Alas the grounds have deteriated quite markedly due to the volume of use for dogs .And as stated the corresponding hygiene issues do have consequences for family use .
Yes Dennistoun does have a problem with bulk items being left on pavements which the council attempted to address by arranging regular uplifts from the rear of some of the tenements . Dog fowling also remains a maor cause for concern .
If as is intimated that the glass in the Dog park has been placed there deliberately then that is a cause for concern for everyone and anyone with any information should contact the police .
This is not a case of individual interests but one of responsible communal use and mutual respect .

#13 - Anon3 replied on the 27/01/2018 6:25:03 PM

Who maintains the park, the council or housing association? So it can be reported.

Such a shame somebody has done this, it's a real waste of community resources to clean it up, that could be spent on better things!

#14 - Anon replied on the 28/01/2018 9:44:52 AM

The sort of person who is happy harming dogs is usually the sort of person who is happy harming children. Just think about whether you want that in the community before you justify their actions

#15 - mark replied on the 28/01/2018 1:07:45 PM

to be absolutely fair on fly tipping, we've had 4 boxes of miscellaneous rubbish in our back court for almost 6 weeks now, just normal cardboard boxes filled with things like non recyclable household waste. not to mention the fact our 8 flat tenement has two recycling bins which weren't emptied for the entire month of december and first week of january. i've tried to call the council out 4 times to sort it out - every time I get an email "your bulk uplift has been completed" i go out and they haven't moved a single thing. i'm really a hairs breadth away from just dragging it all out the front and reporting it as fly tipping because our court is becoming a real mess because of this. if the council were serious about reducing fly tipping they'd stamp this behaviour out.

#16 - reporter replied on the 29/01/2018 1:15:33 AM

"i'm really a hairs breadth away from just dragging it all out the front and reporting it as fly tipping"

That's basically what you're supposed to do for a bulk uplift! :-)

The Council don't carry out bulk uplift from private back court areas as a matter of course (only in special circumstances). But they tend to respond fairly quickly to reports of fly tipping on a public footpath.

What's more, the MyGlasgow app doesn't have a specific way to report bulk uplift, other than to simply report it as fly tipping. I do it that way all the time for items I've left out and they're usually gone within 48 hours. Sometimes the same day.

I often do it for bulky items that i see sitting around that others have left out. A duplicate report does no harm and it makes sure there will be a pick up.

You can do it (anonymously, if you want):

...using the Android app linked here -
...using the iPhone/iPad app linked here - via the webpage linked here -

As well as bulk uplift/fly tipping, you can report potholes, overflowing public bins, missed home bin collections, dog fouling, and faulty street lighting via those methods, too.

#17 - Mark replied on the 30/01/2018 11:58:06 AM

I don't think that's right because on that app it specifically says "Make sure that a neighbour has not already entered a bulky waste request for this uplift" - something you have to do via the GCC website. When you report a bulky uplift you can specify it is in the back court. I've used this for units, flooring, tables and all sorts in the past. However, I'm going to just take your advice on this occasion because the back court is really out of control at the minute and if you think this will get it all gone then I'm happy with that.

#18 - reporter replied on the 1/02/2018 3:22:42 AM

Aye, all I can say is that the Council advice and information on this is all over the place. And, if anything, the variety of ways to report it (phone number, phone app, online app other online method, facebook, twitter) just adds to the confusion.

The Council advises that "you can also request a Bulky Waste Collection for chargeable and non-chargeable items using our MyGlasgow app". But you can't. There's only the Fly Tipping option through the app. Where, yep, it advises you to "Make sure that a neighbour has not already entered a bulky waste request for this uplift". But how are we to do that? Chap 20 doors to check? All very silly. They offer an online service for requesting bulk uplift via a MyGovScot thingy (which is entirely seperate from the app). But you have to register for that (no thanks).

I just place bulk items it out on the street and anonymously report it as 'Fly Tipping' using the app (sometimes affixing a note to let others know it's been reported) and it's usually gone within 48 hrs (rather "within 28 days of processing your request" they mention for bulk uplift - 28 days!!!).

Hope you have the same success. :-)

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